Ford GT

3 June 2007
Hey Roger............ya gonna buy the new GT? Looks pretty nice.....................
Ford has created quite a buzz with the car. A glimpse at pricing would make it easier for prospective buyers. It is hard for anyone to say they will be in when it comes out as it could be priced at $250k or it could be priced to compete with the Aventador at $450k. Those are very different price points.
At $450k I think Ford would be making a big mistake.
Pricing all depends on how many Ford wants to sell (namely which market-segment/niche they are targeting).

From afar, my take...

It'll be $600k'ish if the P1/918/LaF $1M+ crowd is being targeted.

It'll be $400k'ish if the Aventador/P15 $550k+ crowd is being targeted. So far, this is what I've assumed to be the market.

No way (IMVHO) will it be priced in the realm of the $250k+ 650S/Huracan/458T, as that concept design showcased at NAIAS-2015 is a near hypercar form-factor. Then again, I can be wrong.
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