Ford GT in stock

16 June 2002
My dealership just got our 1st GT in this past Saturday.
Pretty mean looking car IMO. You know how sometimes the car looks different in person than it does in a pic....well to me this looks exactly the same. Looking thru the windshield toward the rear of the car you can see the S/C sitting just a few inches behind the driver(sound fimiliar?). Very compact design. Outrageous brakes to haul it down with too.
Overall it is pretty nice, just can't get over seeing the same blue Oval on the front of it that you can get on an Escort. I guess take the emblem off and the personality would change.
BTW, they are accepting bids on the car. Wanna a test drive??? I hear you have to put down a $150k deposit for that cruise around the block.
That is a beautiful car and one that I think I would be very interested in seeing up close and personal. I heard MSRP was around 135K. But I am sure they won't sell for that. Hopefully they won't let anyone test drive one w/o demonstrating they were read willing and able to perform on a sales contract.

Got to be a serious ride.
steveny said:
Ford still makes the Escort? :confused:

no it was replaced by the focus. I think his point was more that the escort was a really shitty car, and it's wore the Ford symbol with pride :p

I drive a ford truck to haul junk around...probably the only type of ford I would ever own
92NSX said:
Pretty much. But as 94507 stated, you have to be able to show the ability to purchase the car for MSRP before driving. Just in case something bad happens.

I agree with your first sentence. They want to know one are serious and not just looking for a cool drive/ride. The second sentence does not hold water imho as that's exactly what insurances are for...
satan_srv said:
no it was replaced by the focus. I think his point was more that the escort was a really shitty car, and it's wore the Ford symbol with pride :p

I drive a ford truck to haul junk around...probably the only type of ford I would ever own
I have a Ford truck for the same reason. It is hard to go without a truck after one has owned a truck. They are very useful at times.
I was pretty sure the Escort was defunct, puddle jumping POS for sure.
apapada said:
I agree with your first sentence. They want to know one are serious and not just looking for a cool drive/ride. The second sentence does not hold water imho as that's exactly what insurances are for...

How does the insurance work on dealer plates? How could a insurance company determine the premium to charge a dealership where the dealer plates would be used on a gt-40 worth 150k or a 10k econobox? I have heard dealer plates are only liability insurance and if the car being driven on dealer plates is totaled the dealership is SOL.
steveny said:
How does the insurance work on dealer plates?

I am no expert in insurance matters, but I have a few friends who have dealerships and they pay big $$$ for "blanket" insurance (i.e. for any customer to be able to drive it provided they have a driving licence). They probably send listings of their inventory every so often to cover liability, thieft, fire, ...
While a $150k car is expensive on the lot, with the amount of $$$ they have invested in inventory, it's nothing. Just think of the monetary losses for a light hailstorm; the cost of wrapping a Ford GT around a tree isn't anything.

Now, the loss of a car like that (or an Enzo, or an F1)... :mad:
I have a friend who sells used cars (even high end ones like 355 and GT2) and he has no hailstorm insurance. The cost is too high (like 1000$ car/year) and with 60-70 cars it would kill the business. He simply keeps the car worth more than >20k$ under a roof or inside. And the economical ones are at risk of hail...

In case an accident happens during a test drive the insurance the dealers use pays, but they normally use special agreements were only in case of big damage they will get money (>5k$ or even more).
gheba_nsx said:
In case an accident happens during a test drive the insurance the dealers use pays, but they normally use special agreements were only in case of big damage they will get money (>5k$ or even more).

what Gheba says I've heard it before to be true. the dealerships do have huge deductibles.