For those that speed in CA, lose your car for 30 days

Originally posted by kgb_agent:
Bottom line: go to court, fight it, and win.

Bottom line: go to court, fight it, waste your time, lose, and get a stiffer penalty. I don't know how it works in PA, but here in CA your word against a cop's is surely a losing battle. You can present all the scientific evidence you want, but you will lose.
sounds like if your are driving a buick over the speed limit you will get a speeding ticket.if you are driving any high performance car and get caught speeding it will be exibition of speed and the thirty day CALI is all need to move to florida were there is no emissions testing and no state income tax.if you are a professional the salarys are the same.while your at it bring mark and mark,larry,acr and sos

david living in the free state of florida
oh yeah did I mention sebring!

[This message has been edited by BadCarma (edited 13 September 2002).]
I can't see moving to florida.
Too many chads and alligators in Florida.
Besides, the humidity doesn't agree with me, and I prefer to live much higher above sea level than Florida, and I will take an Earthquake anyday over a hurricane. I prefer to have my natural disasters surprise me rather than give me advance warning that I am doomed.
After seeing the Miami women, its VERY tempting.

Originally posted by nsx4fun:
I can't see moving to florida.
Too many chads and alligators in Florida.
Besides, the humidity doesn't agree with me, and I prefer to live much higher above sea level than Florida, and I will take an Earthquake anyday over a hurricane. I prefer to have my natural disasters surprise me rather than give me advance warning that I am doomed.
Originally posted by ub2slw:
After seeing the Miami women, its VERY tempting.

we have the most incredible women per square mile (perhaps excluding the glades)then any place on earth..well if you disclude patpoong district in Bangkok
somehow I know their is something to do with an nsx in this post.