For sale thread suggestions IMPORTANT

3 December 2010
Hi all,

I think the parts for sale section is horrible. You cant post to ask questions, so sellers don't have to respond.

70% of the threads do not have ANY photos of the parts, and have incomplete or inaccurate information.

Reading for-sale adds on this site is like reading entry essays to the Special Olympics.


1. Wheels for sale threads should be locked if they do not have Entire size information in the title.

Ex: Volk RE30 for sale. FAIL

It says nothing about size, offset, color or condition.

Volk RE30 FS NEW 17x8 +37 18x9+45. EXCELLENT!!!


In this day, if you can use a computer but cannot post photos in a sale section you should re-evaluate your reason for being alive.

The admin (whoever you are, love the site btw) should police this shit so I dont have to sift through pages of utter bullshit on this for sale section.

I like how you do the car fs section, all cars must post VINs, PERFECT. GREAT IDEA. Should be the same in the parts fs.

Require pictures, and require accurate descriptions/titles.

Maybe make a sub-forum for wheels for sale.

If you dont have time to police this, add an admin for the FS section.

I would recommend allowing posts in FS threads by other people. This will help make popular items sell quicker and show which ones have alot of traffic. Its easy to lose a thread because the search function doesnt allow 3-letter searches (LOL NSX).

Just some suggestions.

If you need more info on how to do a good parts fs section let me know im happy to help.
Another suggestion if you are selling an exhaust:

What year car it came off of
What other years you think/know (circle one) it will fit as is
What other years you think/know (circle one) it will fit with adaptors
Adaptors included: y/n
What years it will NOT fit no matter what

98% of exhaust adds are totally useless due to a total lack of info
Each member has different level of computer skills, you can't expect everyone to post the way you want them to. If their post isn't the greatest then he has lower chances of his item getting sold.

If you want to ask the seller a question then just send a pm.
Or start your own NSX website and demand everyone follow your rules.
Another option is to create an easy to read/understand "want to buy" thread, that way if someone will have what you need there is a chance that you will be informed about if before everyone else.
This is horrible. If you set rules people will follow, it might be a month or two but people will get it quick. I still think you should force more descriptive titles for threads, listing wheel specs.

Thats not hard and does not take any more computer skills than typing
'n.... ugh sx hmmmm'

This change will only help your for sale section be utilized more.
This change will only help your for sale section be utilized more.

The marketplace forums get plenty of traffic so it seems to work. It is easier for you to ask a seller for the few items in which you might be interested than to make more work for the mods who do this for free.

Prime gets no revenue from sales so let the buyers and sellers do the work since they have the vested interest.
The one thing I love about the FS section is the fact that no idiot seller who has too much time on his/her hands can constantly bump their threads.

If they don't answer your PM or don't know details about them then they won't be able to sell their part. Simple as that.
I honesly think that the for sale section is just great - leaps and bounds better than the crap I have seen on other sites where anyone can reply - that invariably ends up with (sometimes) pages of useless banter and even bashing and other B.S.

I actually like the fun of reading every ad - "the hunt"...
I honesly think that the for sale section is just great - leaps and bounds better than the crap I have seen on other sites where anyone can reply - that invariably ends up with (sometimes) pages of useless banter and even bashing and other B.S.

I actually like the fun of reading every ad - "the hunt"...

Yeah, most other site have nothing but "GLWS" posts. OP is spot on w/ the picture thing, like its 2011 you should have NO problem posting pictures of items you have for sale.
No, they won't. Ask the Marketplace Mod how many posts they have to delete because of non-compliance of the current rules.

This can easily be corrected by any number of vBulletin templates for FOR SALE sections. For example, creating a new thread in the For Sale Section is a series of drop down options and required fields that must be populated. No data, no new thread.

I photo should ALWAYS be required. Not only does it show product condition, it can prove ownership. Going the extra mile is requiring someone to take a photo of the part for sale with a piece of paper in the photo with their username AND date on it. This proves the photo is real, fresh, and they actually have the item. I know another website that implemented this rule years ago, it works wonders.

How about creating a HOW-TO thread on "POSTING/EMBEDDING PHOTOS" and sticking the thread somewhere useful (maybe including a reference to it in the for sale section rules".

Here's a thread to use as reference:
vBclassified plugin:

Here's a snapshop of it used for a wide variety of items:
AVS Classifieds - AVS Forum

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I think this would be a fantastic addition on how to organize used parts by category, etc. They key is setting it up with the majority of fields as drop down (to minimize typos and make searching extremely effective) and make key fields as required, such as contact information, photo, etc.
vBclassified plugin:

Here's a snapshop of it used for a wide variety of items:
AVS Classifieds - AVS Forum

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I think this would be a fantastic addition on how to organize used parts by category, etc. They key is setting it up with the majority of fields as drop down (to minimize typos and make searching extremely effective) and make key fields as required, such as contact information, photo, etc.

What an idea! Cool FS section!
I think the FS section is really good and like that you can't reply to it. I agree though that things can always get better. I'm not certain requiring photos is the best thing because what if I want to sell a part I DON'T currently have in my possession? I just had to do this with a part. My car is put away for the winter. I'd have to drive to another town, pull it off, photograph it, and if it didn't sell, go back and re-install it. Yes if you are selling wheels and you don't post photos you're an idiot because some items NEED a photo but that's between the buyer and the seller. Don't post pics and you will reduce your own chances for a sale. Or get a flood of PM's. It should be left to the seller's discretion.

As for not deleting original info, I think that's nuts. You'll have so much garbage to sift through. I like it cleaned up.

We already tried one change putting everything into categories. I hated it. Sometimes I don't know what I want or need. LOL. I like looking at every ad. That's better for the seller too.

I'm not against improvement but I think the section is really good as is. If we make changes lets make sure they aren't for the worse.
^ +1

i think it is working good as it is, and i don't see any reason for changes.

The suggestion above to make everything choosable from a dropdown box it's a very limitative one and would bring lots of issues.

I think you used to be able to reply to for sale threads iirc, and all you got was people commenting in price or bumping threads daily. I do think once a month bumps are too spaced out, once a week or two weeks would be better IMO. A month is a long time.
vBclassified plugin:

Here's a snapshop of it used for a wide variety of items:
AVS Classifieds - AVS Forum

Positive feedback from all the administrators using it:
Show off your vBClassifieds on your website - vBClassified

I think this would be a fantastic addition on how to organize used parts by category, etc. They key is setting it up with the majority of fields as drop down (to minimize typos and make searching extremely effective) and make key fields as required, such as contact information, photo, etc.

It appears vBClassified is no longer available:

"vBClassified is no longer available for purchase. At some point in the future it may come back but at this point I doubt that it will be anytime soon. Best Regards, Ken"

I think this is a good thread and appreciate all the input. I may look at using a form again. I had looked at that before but didn't like the options available at the time. I don't think I'm going to go down the path of requiring pictures, etc. at this time.
I would make a suggestion not deleting original thread info and price. Once item sold.

+1 This would help people wanting to know what others have sold their items for so they will know what price they could ask for a same item.