For sale items

Just like it says :rolleyes:

Why Didn't My Ad/Reply Show Up? All posts in the Marketplace forums must be approved by a moderator before they will show up. We have several moderators, but they are unpaid volunteers with real lives so it can take a couple days. You will receive an automated PM from the system when your post is approved (or deleted) by a moderator. If you haven't received a PM, your ad is still awaiting moderation. Please be patient. If you do not understand why an ad was deleted, please re-read the rules and if you are still confused, contact a moderator and ask before re-submitting to avoid wasting your time and theirs.
Umm perhaps we could take a moment to actually read and comprehend my post.

I did not ask why MY posts were not showing up. What I asked was why the FORSALE FORUMS were only updating every three or four days.

I am not seeing ANY posts in ANY forum AT ALL. Everything is 3-4 days old.Then all of a sudden one day everything shows up. Then I dont see anything new for another 3-4 days.
Umm perhaps we could take a moment to actually read and comprehend my post.

I did not ask why MY posts were not showing up. What I asked was why the FORSALE FORUMS were only updating every three or four days.

I am not seeing ANY posts in ANY forum AT ALL. Everything is 3-4 days old.Then all of a sudden one day everything shows up. Then I dont see anything new for another 3-4 days.

Nice way to thank someone who is trying to help you.
I think it's a fair question. I don't know how the moderators are chosen, but if there is more demand then supply, it might help if there is an advertisement to have more sign on... Every 3 or 4 days for lots of items is a little too long, 1 - 2 days, ok, 3 -4 (maybe longer?)
Alternatively, if I'm completely naive on the system, apologies for that.

I understand the frustration but give the moderators a break. How much of your free time do you want to invest in managing this site? Anyway, NSXPRIME is a great forum.

I understand the frustration but give the moderators a break. How much of your free time do you want to invest in managing this site? Anyway, NSXPRIME is a great forum.

Considering that it's a free service that is going to give you some cash in the pocket, why make waves. Furthermore, I've noticed that most of the people who complain about the marketplace aren't even donating money to help run this site. Oh well. :frown:
First off let me apologize for the tone of my reply to Anytime. However I am tired of the knee jerk response "read the faq" or "try using search" that seems to be common place from the more senior members of this site. Many times people ask questions not because they were too stupid to read the faqs or use the search but rather because the answers they found did not directly answer their question or the answers communicated did not make sense.

If I may make a suggestion. If the issue is a lack of time on moderators part to approve posts then why not designate some sub moderators to the for sale forums to help alleviate the problem.

The comment about not donating money does not make any sense. What does donating money have to do with keeping up with the approval process. As you guys stated "the moderators have thier own lives". Are you saying that if people donated more money that would persuade the moderators to give up more of their free time to approve the posts. I highly doubt it.

There are a number of people that contribute to this site regularly that would be more than happy too help facilitate as sub moderators if you were to just ask.

And finally to address the comment why make waves, while Prime may indeed be a great site there is always room for improvement.
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The comment about not donating money does not make any sense. What does donating money have to do with keeping up with the approval process. As you guys stated "the moderators have thier own lives". Are you saying that if people donated more money that would persuade the moderators to give up more of their free time to approve the posts. I highly doubt it.

How about just donating to be a nice guy. If you like this site and you know that it is run by volunteers, why not. I'm sure that $20.00 is not too much a burden on your wallet/pocketbook.

I feel that bitching and complaining about free service is very selfish. Maybe you should post your items for sale on or .
Why do you keep making the statement about me posting my items for sale. I have not once made any statement that I am trying to SELL ANYTHING.

And as far as donating I would consider the realitively high cost of NSXPO that I pay for should more than cover the cost of any arbitrary donations for this site.

But I like how rather than focus on the problem at hand and consider ways to alleviate the overload on the current moderators we just completely ignore it, write it off as bitching and say give us more money to support our FREE service.

Since you guys obviously are completely incapable of handeling any criticism of your site why dont you just close this thread and well all move on as obviously no one has any interest in trying to fix/improve anything.
we are fortunate that the service is all free for the moment, we should appreciate the fact that there are nice people out there willing to give up some of their time to moderate.

If you want it up's a solution: Start paying for your "FOR SALES" ads so then there will be more moderators.
Ahh Yes that makes an incredible amount of sense. I should indeed pay for "for sale" ads so that I can look at what other people are trying to sell.

My god people learn to read.
Can anyone tell me what the deal is with the forsale forums. There only updating every three or four days now.

The deal is simply that post approvals are dependent on moderators' free time. As such there will be delays and variation. If I think it is warranted I will see if we can add more moderators.

And as far as donating I would consider the realitively high cost of NSXPO that I pay for should more than cover the cost of any arbitrary donations for this site.

Huh? There is no connection between NSXPO/NSXCA and this site.

Since you guys obviously are completely incapable of handeling any criticism of your site why dont you just close this thread and well all move on as obviously no one has any interest in trying to fix/improve anything.

You are referring to the people you are arguing with as though they run this web site. They are in fact simply other members of the site.
Huh? There is no connection between NSXPO/NSXCA and this site.

My mistake I thought that there was a connection as the three seem to go hand in hand all the time. I withdraw my dumb statement. :rolleyes:

You are referring to the people you are arguing with as though they run this web site. They are in fact simply other members of the site.

I was under the impression DocL and Anytime were moderators. If not then I withdraw that statement as well.

The deal is simply that post approvals are dependent on moderators' free time. As such there will be delays and variation. If I think it is warranted I will see if we can add more moderators.

Fair enough.
I have some part looking to do a group buy on. I am new in the forum. Can you give me some suggestion on how to do it.
Umm perhaps we could take a moment to actually read and comprehend my post.

I did not ask why MY posts were not showing up. What I asked was why the FORSALE FORUMS were only updating every three or four days.

I am not seeing ANY posts in ANY forum AT ALL. Everything is 3-4 days old.Then all of a sudden one day everything shows up. Then I dont see anything new for another 3-4 days.

I quoted a portion the rules of the game, which included the reasoning behind any delay. That quote taken out of context would not have looked right . The "all of a sudden" means that someone has taken the time to read and approve the posts/threads in moderation. Using all caps and bold makes it look like you are YELLING

You go Doc :biggrin:
How about just donating to be a nice guy. If you like this site and you know that it is run by volunteers, why not. I'm sure that $20.00 is not too much a burden on your wallet/pocketbook.

I feel that bitching and complaining about free service is very selfish. Maybe you should post your items for sale on or .