Fond old memories ... McLaren MP4/6 with Honda engine

9 September 2006
Orange County, CA, USA


Yeah, so much for "equal playing field" when they forced Turbo out of Honda.

That was a masterpiece engine and chassis. Senna's second championship winning car!!!
I think this season's cars resemble the early 90's cars with larger front and smaller rear wings and cleaner lines.
The Brawn GP car's chassis was designed by Honda engineers. If that team decides to go with the $30M R&D cap for 2010 in exchange for a lot fewer rules, I think Honda can come back with a radical engine design and it'll be called Brawn Honda. This Brawn GP private team might be the start of something grand, like how Bruce McLaren, Frank Williams, and Enzo Ferrari started their own F1 racing teams. No doubt Nick Fry, still the team's CEO, had exactly that evolution in mind when he agreed to name the team thus.
The Brawn GP car's chassis was designed by Honda engineers. If that team decides to go with the $30M R&D cap for 2010 in exchange for a lot fewer rules, I think Honda can come back with a radical engine design and it'll be called Brawn Honda. This Brawn GP private team might be the start of something grand, like how Bruce McLaren, Frank Williams, and Enzo Ferrari started their own F1 racing teams. No doubt Nick Fry, still the team's CEO, had exactly that evolution in mind when he agreed to name the team thus.

I'd like to see this happen. Honda's exit from F1 is too much to bear.
Re: Could Honda learn a lesson?

If Honda buys their way back in, I hope they get a clue from the McLaren or Ferrari organizations and keep their pointy-haired (Dilbert's boss) hands off the team organization and operation. I would like to think they could, but they didn't listen to common sense advice from 2006 to 08.

But back to fond old memories and looks, this new Brawn car has rapidly grown on me. I especially like the low & sloping nose and the narrow clean sidepods. And they're working on an upgrade to make them even smaller. Yessireebob, we're gonna look back on this season and car as a stunning beauty !! :wink: