Followed by a "Tall" truck

3 October 2007
Silicon Valley

I drive Black Beauty (My 2003 Black on Onyx) to work every day. The other night coming home, I took off the roof (and ran the heater). I was coming down San Tomas Expressway and was followed by the most jacked up pickup truck I have ever seen on the open road. You would need a significant stepladder to get into it.

He was behind me for at least 5 stop lights. His headlights would shine over the roof on my car onto the SUV in front of me when we were stopped! The last 2 stops, I put my hands above the roof line and did shadow puppets on the back of the SUV in front of me. I was in the middle lane and people on both sides honked and gave me a thumbs up to show appreciation for my humor.

hmm wonder what he was compensating for...:biggrin:
LoL, I was about 6 cars back but midway between me and this giant lifted truck was a full size suv (expedition). The truck was so tall, that I could see the rear, top edge of his bed, above the roof of the suv. So at my angle, that meant that the bed of the truck towered higher than the roof of the suv.

That was pretty cool lol
So you were followed by a huge truck while you were following a SUV? lol

Cali by far has the most jacked up trucks in the country! More then Texas!
Cali by far has the most jacked up trucks in the country! More then Texas!

But at least in Texas they actually use their trucks. In California its mostly for show. Those giant lift kits and tires do wonders for trips to the grocery on paved streets. :wink::tongue::biggrin:
The best is when the guy is too short to get in, and he has to use a little step that lowers down LOL
The best is when the guy is too short to get in, and he has to use a little step that lowers down LOL

Those electronic folding steps are awesome! Most anything with tires over 36" is too tall for most people.

I remember seeing a big lifted chevy on 38's roll up one time to a dealership. I was looking from the passenger side but the guy got out and walked towards the doorway. I was looking his his face at about hood level but instead it appeared BELOW bumper level.... guy was a MIDGET!

I waited for him to come back, and from the passenger side looking, it looked like the guy levitated upward with his legs dangling side to side as he SOMEHOW climbed up with his arms lol.
But at least in Texas they actually use their trucks. In California its mostly for show. Those giant lift kits and tires do wonders for trips to the grocery on paved streets. :wink::tongue::biggrin:

Out in the desert I can understand a huge truck, but what blows my mind are the guys who own huge lifted trucks in Los F@#%ing Angeles. I mean seriously, how do they park? Or see where they're going?? A guy in my parking garage had a huge lifted truck... and would constantly hit the walls when trying to park in there. He finally traded it in for an Altima, haha :rolleyes:
LA is huge but you can drive a few miles any direction and be in the mid of fucking no where!