Flip up-vs-Fixed Headlights - color makes the differnece?


Legendary Member
12 February 2002
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Following up on a earlier thread about which type of headlights you prefer (the previous flip up type or the 2002+ fixed headlights), I was struck by the fact that, for me at least, the color of the car makes a big difference.

For example, when I see pictures of Evo575's black NSX with fixed headlights, the car just looks plain really heavy AWESOME to me. Same goes for NSXSupra's white 2002 NSX.

However, when I see a Formula Red 2002 NSX, the fixed headlights somehow seem less appropriate to me.

Does anyone feel the same?
Better question: What colors looks good in both flip-up and fixed headlights configuration?
I think neither are perfect. The 02 styles look good from the front, but funny on the side. The early style looks good on the side but funny when up and not as good on the front as the fixed. If the fixed style didn't stick out so much, then they would be perfect.
I like them all...fixed/pop-up, black top/colored top, targa/coupe, red,green,black,yellow,silver,blue.......:biggrin:
Silverstone for the 02+ headlights because it is the only color that matches the painted interior of the headlights stock.

Any color for the flips.

I love black on the NSX though. Can anyone photoshop 02+ black with black headlight interiors?
The flip ups look better than the fixed period from every angle. they look cleaner and more agressive...

When they're popped up they dont look so good..But guess what..they are popped up for a reason ( it's dark out) and no one can hardly see the front end anyway..Just lights..

Arodynamics and weight savings however cant be argued with
I fell in love with the 91 black NSX with the flip-ups when the car first came out!! I too understand the relevance of the non-flip up lights...but man does the car look phat with them...glad I got a black 91:biggrin: Damn hard to take care of...have to take her to get all "buffed" in the next few days...ahhh...the price of vanity...lol

I probably couldn't buy an NSX with the fixed headlights. It's not just the head lights, it makes the car look completely different to me. Not sure how to communicate it effectively, but the overall lines of the car seem to be more consistent with flip-ups [when they aren't flipped up :)].

The fixed certainly make the car look newer, probably more exotic as well.
The flip ups look better than the fixed period from every angle. they look cleaner and more agressive...

When they're popped up they dont look so good..But guess what..they are popped up for a reason ( it's dark out) and no one can hardly see the front end anyway..Just lights..

Arodynamics and weight savings however cant be argued with

Neither can subjectivity....
