I had always preferred the "flip up" headlight models over the fixed headlight look, even though HID is nice... that said, from certain angles some 02+ models look really nice, from other angles, not as much...
... can anyone share some personal experience between how a 2001 (last flip up headlight model?) drives compared to the 2002 (and later) model refresh?...
... and what does NA1, NA2 refer to?... is NA2 the 1995 targa intro or the 3.2L upgrade in 1997? Thank you!
... can anyone share some personal experience between how a 2001 (last flip up headlight model?) drives compared to the 2002 (and later) model refresh?...
... and what does NA1, NA2 refer to?... is NA2 the 1995 targa intro or the 3.2L upgrade in 1997? Thank you!