Decided to tackle the condensation in my trunk and taillights. Ordered new gaskets (3,10,5,12,38) since the old ones were cracked and now longer bounced back. Probably not a very good seal and how I suspect water/condensation was getting into my trunk.
As far as the condensation in taillights, I dried them out without issue and noticed that the plastic lens are barely pulling away from the black enclosure piece which originally kept a watertight seal but no longer. Don't really see how to solve the gap issue with out pulling these apart and praying I don't damage them more. a couple of the tabs holding them together have broken which I am sure has helped the gap to form. Anyways I plan to save myself the headache and use clear silicone to fill the tiny gaps and get a watertight seal.
So this all leads me to my real question...In what order do item #38 and item#(3,10,5,12) go in? Taillights, 38, main gasket, car or taillight, main gasket, 38, car? Since the gaskets were in such bad shape I don't really have a before reference point? Heck I couldn't even tell if #38 was even there to begin with. Do these matter or I am just sweating something insignificant that won't really matter?
Also, if #38 is needed what bolts do they go on? Using http://www.oemacuraparts.com/auto-p...trical-exhaust-heater-fuel-cat/taillight-scat the diagram and ordering guide reflect I will need Qty 8. But what 8 bolts? The taillight assembly has 10 bolts which is more than that. I thought maybe these were for items #4 ,11 but those each take 5 bolts.
Any help from someone that has already done this would be greatly appreciated.