First thing Lottery winner wants to do is buy an NSX

On the news last night they did announce his name (and I don't remember it); it was stated he specifically wanted a 1991 NSX he saw on Craig's list. Again, its something he previously wanted, he's being reasonable and sticking to a sensible approach to his new found money. Good for him.
I know of a local person who won the lottery, spent it all on lavish parties and trips to Atlantic City, and is now virtually homeless.
To quote a very old song: "nice and easy does it every time".
I'll sell him mine for $150K.
The local CBS news reported last night that the lottery winner wanted his first purchase to be a "Acuuura Integra NSX"
I'd buy one of every color - and a couple Auto-tragics for the wife too :)
The Pioneer Press (St. Paul Newspaper) reported that he wanted to purchase an "Acura Integra". LOL

He has his eye on an Acura Integra he recently spotted on Craiglist and said he'd love to find his dad a replica of the first car the 80-year-old ever owned -- a 1963 Chevrolet Impala.
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Will be interesting to meet him. I'm sure he'll join us at cars and coffee once he buys one.
Silly rabbit no one wants bug eyes. ;)

Lol... hey Jeff I've come up with a fitting name for your blue car with the dated pop up lights:


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auto tragics,,,really!!!,,,some have reasons for having a auto,along with pure choice,,can we please stop this, its so immature.