First Sat of Month Meet at Paragon Motors, South Denver

Is there going to be a meeting at Paragon this Saturday?
I will try to make it up there but am not sure I can get out of town that early.

When does it usually break up? Maybe I can just get there late.

I will need the address to Paragon Motors again.

After having been in Sante Fe, Nevada, and Chicago for the last three weekends, it will be nice to stay in Denver this weekend. I will make every effort to be there.

Mike -- I Googled Paragon Motors - Denver, and got your post on Prime. Could you post a street address so I can make a map? Thanks

Yes...that is the place...about 1 mi. east of I-25 on Arapahoe...north side of street...

This is a very casual kind of thing...the guy who owns the store has coffee and munchies...people just kinda of hang real organized thing...people show up around 10 -, it is kind of stop by, see who's there...have some coffee and look at the cars for sale and anyone else who's stopped...then split...

I'll try to make it too...
