First Post - New Owner

great story! The good cars do stand out in the ads.
Beautiful NSX ! Great reading the story - also perused your website and really enjoyed seeing some of the other cars in your life. Makes me wish I had somehow kept a record and pics of all the cars I've had, beginning with my very first at age 16 (1969 Fiat 850 Spyder). Cheers, and welcome! Jay
great looking car, congratulations. What's the first thing you would change or mod on the car?

p.s. Can I buy your oem wheels? :biggrin:
great looking car, congratulations. What's the first thing you would change or mod on the car? p.s. Can I buy your oem wheels? :biggrin:

Hah! Funny story - on my first phone call to the seller I asked about the original wheels, otherwise we had a deal breaker. He had put his choice of wheels on the car 10 years ago the day after he bought it and had to dig in the attic, but did find them, so now they're tucked away... in my attic.

As for mods, well, first of all the cardinal rule, nothing that could never be put back to stock. I really like the SoS valve cover (below), so that's probably going to happen to get my toes wet. Then the stealth driver protection system - radar and laser, a V1 and a Blinder HP905 based on what I've read here and other places.

After that, maybe an exhaust system for a slight bit more growl, but I haven't got to researching that yet. So, let the journey begin... ;-)

And BB, don't be shy, if it's your first post, you must be a new owner too? Let's see a pic or 2 and introduce yourself. These guys don't seem to bite, at least not yet!

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My favorite color on the NSX! Winston Wolf drove one in Pulp Fiction so you know it is ultra cool! Congrats man! Get used to dudes staring at you a lot! LOL
Congrats on the NSX! We need more NSX's in NJ. Welcome aboard!
silverstone on silverstone is the best and rare they only made 19 like that if I remeber correctly