First drive of the year 3-29

I don't want to be nit picky, but MY drive was the first one of the year.

Just sayin'

I said our first Major drive, yours was a minor.:tongue:

See you Saturday, it's been way to long my friend.
Geez, a little misting of rain and you haven't stopped complaining since. It's not like YOU clean your car :tongue:

Looking forward to this drive!

It wasn't the misting of rain but the muddy road from it that got all our cars awfully dirty.:wink: My car was washed before the drive and I had to wash again after.
Don't forget the Dramamine:biggrin:

For the driver or the passenger.:tongue:

Less than a week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOT!!! I just did a nice weight reduction mod that will be ready for this drive.

Les, weight reduction helps and there isn't anything you can say against it.
WOOT!!! I just did a nice weight reduction mod that will be ready for this drive.

Les, weight reduction helps and there isn't anything you can say against it.

Well, yes I can when people remove safety features like air bags, ect.:wink:
They're still gaining performance, it just means the airbag won't bruise them if they get in an accident.

And frankly if I stack my NSX I would rather suffer with my car for my big mistake.
They're still gaining performance, it just means the airbag won't bruise them if they get in an accident.

Gaining a tiny bit of performance at the risk of safety, really?

And frankly if I stack my NSX I would rather suffer with my car for my big mistake.

And what if it wasn't a mistake by you but by someone else, are you going to still feel that way? I don't think so.

Anyways I know the mod you did doesn't risk safety. See you Sunday.
I am hoping to have the brackets for my new seats in this week so I can have my new seats in for the run.