First big project - 04 TL Nav, HFL, DVD-A


Nice to see the update to the project!! I was wondering if you finished it all and how it was looking!! It looks GREAT!!!!!
Hows Toronto treating you? I didnt know you moved. Better get some snow tires..LOL
Hope all is well with ya!
Thanks for all the kudos guys!

KEVIN!! Are you an Aussie now?? It's been ages, how are you? Have you moved to Australia? Did you ship your car over or is this just a temp work gig?

I agree on the knobs. When I did the project the only 2.0 gen Honda / Acura Nav systems available were the Accord, TSX, TL and MDX. The Accord (at the time) did not have the Bluetooth HFL, the TSX radio was less likely to fit and did not have DVD-A capability or XM and the MDX screen was smaller than all the others since the buttons were still integrated as part of the screen like the 1st gen Honda Nav systems.

I recently considered gutting it and replacing it with the new RL radio but from an aesthetics perspective, it would have looked very strange with that HUGE knob... plus the fact that the radio unit was too tall (I measured it).

The only option was to get smaller knobs but the fit and finish would be lost so I opted for the TL look of the knobs jutting out the side a bit. I had to shave down the knobs so that they fit.

The XM antenna arrived yesterday. It's pretty heavy so I'm going to strip it down and add pictures when I can.

I've got the steering wheel buttons for the Voice Activation and HFL and will retrofit this using the JDM (momentary buttons). I'll be creating mini wire harnesses since it's just too much of a pain to source out the proper connectors.

lithiumus said:
KEVIN!! Are you an Aussie now?? It's been ages, how are you? Have you moved to Australia? Did you ship your car over or is this just a temp work gig?

Im a probationary Aussie!! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie....Oi, Oi, Oi!! I still cant keep up drinking with them.:wink: My liver has aged 3 years in the first 3 months I was here!! I did move to OZ permanently with my wife, she stole my passport when i visited and now i cant leave! LOL. H$LL yes I shipped the car, Im STILL getting it converted from left to right hand drive, (cant rush perfection) but the good news is that its about 3 weeks from being completed!!!! YEAH!!!!

Hows Toronto?? You there temp or permanent?? Hows life treating you in the great white north?? take off ya hoser!! Eh?
Kevin, you kill me man! Always good to hear from you.

Here are some recent updated pics...

This is the HFL / Voice Recognition switch module. This is the guts of the steering wheel switch from the 04 TL. I've been using the buttons like this for a year! I'll talk about this more when I post up pics of the finished JDM switches...

This is the original 04 TL DVD Nav unit, software version 3.x

This is the newer 06 Accord DVD Nav unit, software version 4.x

Install of the new Nav unit in the glove box, next to the HFL module.

The 4.x software diagnostic screen before I hooked up the XM module

The Accord unit works fine with the exception that during the HFL usage, the 04 TL normally displays a graphic of the TL steering wheel showing the HFL buttons... now the audio application simply hangs (stops working) but the Nav and HFL continue work ok. As long as you are in the Nav screen and not the Audio screen, HFL seems to work ok.

I may need to find a way to hack this so that the unit loads the RL or TSX software but this is much more difficult than the 3.x software version...

More to come...
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Another update this weekend…

As most of you who know me, I don’t like to do things half-ass and would prefer to no do it at all then to do it poorly. I’ll admit to something being temporary and drive around with no glove box lid and no interior as long as I have to, to get the job done right!

Yes, that picture of the switch module internals was how I used the HFL and Voice Activation buttons for over a year! It took some time to pull the trigger on JDM switches and the ever elusive Acura / Honda connectors. The switch module itself requires a 5 pin (normally Green) type connector that Honda normally uses for electronics. This connector I had. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the 4 additional 5 pin connectors required for the 4 JDM switches. Yes, I could have opened them up and soldered wires to the pins, but does that sounds like something I would do?

I have to shout out to jptl04 from I noticed his 2004+ Non-Navi to Navi installation post. He had purchased the wiring harness from Acura and pulled all the connectors / wires that he needed for his conversion and left the rest. I PM’d him and was surprised that he knew who I was and that he referenced this post as his “inspiration” so to speak that the conversion was possible even though few at that time thought it possible. He rounded up all the green connectors (and 12”+ of wire) including 5, 6 and a 10 pins and sent them to me at no charge. What a class act. Thanks again my friend!

I removed all the wires with pins from all the green connectors. I sorted all the colors and made 4 groupings of colors. Electrically, I found the pins for the momentary short and the illumination. There is also a short activated light when pressed. I’ll have to speak to Ken (D’ecosse) about that… I put together 4 x 5 pin connectors to prepare for the soldering work.

Here are the connectors with wires / pins and ready for soldering

Here is the TL Steering wheel switch module – notice the holes for the illumination bulbs

Here is a shot of a JDM switch, all the original TL buttons and module in the foreground. I’ll ask anyone who is looking at this to think of a solution to get those pictures on the JDM switches somehow. My only thought is to take a JDM button face, mold it and create 4 new faces with each of the 4 pictures… any ideas?

The JDM buttons have 2 bulbs inside. Ignoring the middle white one, I swapped a blue (rubber) filtered bulb onto the JDM clear bulb socket to create an OEM green to match the rest of my illumination.

Labeled all the connectors, the black one is the “Back” or “cancel” button.

2 connectors soldered. Everything was so small, I wish I had clamps, etc. I ended up feeding the solder with my mouth! Solder iron in one hand, wire in the other while blowing to cool and solidify the solder through my nose! My wife now thinks I’m a complete retard!

All 4 connectors soldered as well as the 2 illumination wires from the rear (White / Black wires)

Wires taped up and ready for test fitting

For each JDM switch, I popped the button face off to remove the Orange filter and replace the clear bulb with a blue filtered one. The green housing is the JDM, the blue are from the 04 TL

Test fit one JDM switch in the frame

Full assembly ready for install. That’s as OEM as it’s going to get, I even added some padding…

Finally installed!

I’m still missing 2 blue bulbs, when I get those, I’ll update my Blues post with all the illuminated pieces.

D’ecosse, if you’ve read this far, LMK what you think. The short that the JDM buttons perform, show a specific resistance value that is sent back to the HFL or Nav system. I assume that some voltage must be sent from the units. The button short also shares the circuit for the middle bulb light. I.e. when you press the button, the Green / Blue light shows that its’ depressed. I’m worried that if I run 12v through it during a short to laminate the bulb, it will affect the Ohm resistance or affect the button voltage it shows to the Nav and HFL… what do you think?
One word...
PHENOMINAL(sp??)!!!!!! That is looking Awesome!!! Ingenious on how you hooked up the buttons!! Very very nice!

And im sure your wife (like most wives) already know the men they marry are already retards!! (mine does!!)
amazing job. how long did it take? and may i ask what you do for a living? it must be a very detail oriented job. i took the alpine modular approach and had a shop do it for me. fantastic work!
Great job incorporating the harness and making all the connections work. I know this is how Honda would have done it if they wanted to invest the time and money on the NSX. I am curious to see it all the fit and finish. Awesome job!
haha! yeah, just label me the DIY Mad Scientist!

I started this back in Dec of 2004 which was the first bunch of pictures and pretty much got things working and transported the car from Cali to Toronto. Of course, Honda / Acura decided to upgrade all of those units (hardware wise). I saw the new units in the 05 RL and wanted to see if I could get the Traffic features to work… I’ve played with several units and yes the project continues to evolve and who knows where I’ll end up!

This is what I have so far…

- 2007 TL Type S USDM Navigation unit (currently installed but no Traffic capabilities)
- 2007 TSX USDM Navigation unit (likely staying with this unit since the Traffic is useless in Canada!)
- 2005 TL Instrument cluster (considering wiring it up for further Trip / Nav functions and the MID display for phone operation)
- 2005 TL Upper display (shows GPS time, radio display)
- 2007 RDX Radio (considering replacing the TL radio since this unit reads MP3s and has Aux input jack)
- 2007 RDX amp (considering enabling the ELS surround sound)
- 2005 TL updated HFL unit (replacing the buggy/recalled 2004 HFL unit)

The RDX radio is shorter and will likely allow enough room for the Upper display to be installed but I don't know if it will play nice with the Nav system, etc. When will all this be done? Who knows? The instrument cluster is probably more work than it’s worth but the cool factor is tempting me!
I took a pic at our last meet. What Garrick hasnt told you is that it was easier to take the entire interior from a TL, seats and all, and put them inside his NSX than it was just to take the goodies he is talking about.

Dave is such a joker!

The most recent pic is probably that one with the JDM buttons... everything else looks the same. The 07 TL-S DVD Nav unit also looks different than the 06 Accord DVD Nav pictured... no other real changes...
Here is a shot of a JDM switch, all the original TL buttons and module in the foreground. I’ll ask anyone who is looking at this to think of a solution to get those pictures on the JDM switches somehow. My only thought is to take a JDM button face, mold it and create 4 new faces with each of the 4 pictures… any ideas?

OK, I will try to put this into words.

Step one seperate the part of the switch that needs to be relabled from the rest of the switch, then buff off the black finish, you will be left with clear plastic.

Have the image you want left white on the button cut out of vinyl from any good sticker shop.

Paint the button white (light but even layer of paint, you want the light from the bulbs to get through the paint), let it dry, possition the sticker were you want the white letters to be, then paint the entire button with black semi-gloss or flat paint.

Let it dry, now the fun part, peal out the sticker without messing up the black paint and you will have a perfect button, I would spray a clear finish over the entire button to make it easier to clean.

Reassemble the button and your done.

Best of luck.
