Finally bought my car!!!!.... But....

My mistake, please move the thread if you can.
eventhorizon said:
My mistake, please move the thread if you can.
That wasn't intended to be a chastisement incidentally - you are just more likely to get more attention to it in the Tech forum.
Sorry - I don't have ability to move - moderator for the marketplace forums only.
It's all good, I am just so releaved that it wasn't my clutch. Thank you everyone for their input and helping me get this figured out so quickly.

Now I should start another thread with pics of my new car :smile:
I had the same exact thing happen to me few years back on my 300zx.

I took it to naive mechanic, he told me there must be air, and he needs to bleed it. But that wasnt it. Then he tells me its slave cylinder...that wasnt it....then he save its master cylinder..that wasnt it.....then he tells me it needs a new clutch.......

so i took it to nissan..and they tell me it needs a new clutch....and i told them it has a new clutch just couple of thousands miles ago....

so finally i took it to an honest mechanic that is good....all he did just adjust the pedal....thats it !!!
D'Ecosse said:
For eventhorizon & docmental - brake fluid does not get consumed or evaporate - if it is low, it leaked! Yes, it may work if you top it up but it probably minimally requires bled but is a bigger problem waiting tohappen when you least desire it. The leak on yours eventhorizon is pretty horrible - would replace that asap.
Please replace both your Master & Slave cylinders - this is pretty common failure on the NSX (do a search - you will find string recommendation from Guru Larry Bastanza that replacing both is a good plan)

Here are some tips on DIY replacement

Incidentally, even as a Newb it's OK to post technical questions in the technical forum. <!--StartFragment -->

Good Luck getting your problem resolved.

Right on, Thanks! You're the man!