Finally bought a really nice Sebring Silver 91

13 April 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hey Guys,

Many of you have suffered with my posts and have wondered if I was ever going to buy one. Well the wait is over not that any of you were actually waiting eager with anticipation at the mere thought that I would actually own an NSX.......but I was! My wait has ended.

I bought the car in Houston from a fellow Primer - Web- it's beautiful btw, and then proceded to drive it to Nashville to the "barn man"!!! He is the greatest help and nice guy not to mention his tremendous understanding of the car. He's going at it with a list and when I get it back it will be like new internally as well as it was or is cosmetically. Not that it was bad but it will be better now.

So what was my driving experience - it didn't take long at all to "get it", what it's all about- why there is a Prime full of folks talking about this "experience". But I was right, I knew it was going to be like that - guys I never drove one until I drove the one I bought! That's how convinced I was after reading and studying about this car and talking to fellow Primers. The car transcends verbal description and the view out of that windscreen is awesome looking out over those canted fenders - it looks just so right and it makes you feel like you are in a real race car not just a sports car like a Miata, no dis, or a Porsche, or any other car I've ever owned and I've owned a lot of sports cars and sports sedans and nothing compares - NOTHING ever. This is such a totally unique driving experience that one has to drive for about 20 mins to just get themselves worked into a lather!!!!! That's what happened to me anyway.

Anyway guys I won't bore you with an experience many of you have had for quite sometime but now I fully understand why I decided to buy an NSX. Anyone on the fence here - get off the fence but be prepared to spend enough to take care of the car. They aren't cheap to repair or replace things in but the reward is super fine. I'd say on an older car be ready with about 4 to 5k. That's about what it'll take at least over 2 years unless your lucky enough to get one with everything done just before it was sold - rare indeed. Ain't happnin in my opinion but it can.

Anyway it's worth it to me! I"m happy as hell! I can't wait to get it back from the barn man!!!!! Barn Man rules dudes. No doubt.

Hey Tim,

Great news! I know you are a true enthusiast who will enjoy and appreciate the great car that Honda created.

Looking forward to hearing more about your impressions as you get more drive time behind the wheel.

And I for one would like to be "bored" by your Houston to Nashville driving go ahead and bore us a bit. Anyone not interested can simply click off your post.

Hallelujah,Hallelujah, magnifico!!! That would be my choice for a color if I was in the market.Happy motoring.
Congrats! Good to see you finally got one.

Excellent color choice... post some pics if you would
Congrats, Tim.

Know exactly how you feel. Bought my Black '92 two weeks, and loving every minute of it. Post some pics after the work is done, so I can be inspired to fix a couple of minor things as well.
So you're saying you like it?:confused::biggrin:

I was watching that car, too. Just watching. It's ironic, because I bought my '91 Sebring Silver out of Kingwood, too.

Congrats! Enjoy! Keep the dirty side down, etc.:smile:
congrats that purchase, to be honest with you, i thought you were going to spend more timing looking. Anyways glad your happy with your purchase, i know that this car is not for everybody and i'm glad you enjoy yours.
Well its about time you join the crew, LOL.....enjoy it i cant wait to spend the holiday weekend in mine bbq hopping.
Congrats! Just bought mine less than a week ago. I still go out to the garage just to gawk at it but then so does the wife. :) Enjoy!
I too am looking forward to purchasing a Sebring Silver NSX. I get home from being overseas soon, and hope to pick up the one I've been lusting after for the past 4 months. My fingers are crossed that it doesn't get snapped up before I get home!

I live just north of Nashville, and having such a talented NSX mechanic nearby was definitely selling point for this car! Well, that's what we tell ourselves when we try to rationalize such purchases.

Congrats! Sebring Silver is a sharp color and really pops in the sunlight.

I went through a similar experience when I decided to buy my NSX last September. After determining I was serious about getting a "Sunday" car, I went through my wish list... Ferrari (early models), Porsche, Corvette (C3 body), Lotus, and finally the NSX. I, too, bought mine without even having driven or been in one. When I was taken on a test drive in the passenger seat, that was all I needed to justify writing a check.

Everything I read on Prime and elsewhere sold me on the idea of buying an NSX. Driving it was the icing on the cake. To own one is to have and eat your cake, too. :biggrin:
as good as it gets!

Congratz', my friend, on the worthwhile & long-anticipated acquisition. The end of the journey is poetic, but the trialz & tribz' along the way are priceless as well.

Sebring silver NSX'es are the quickest sellers, from my experience. If I ever added another 5spd. NSX coupe to my stable, it'd be a Sebring silver! :cool:

And lastly...

Congrats! :biggrin:

Now go put a million miles on her.
Lol, before he got the car his posting was lets call it ..extensive,,,,now that he has one his keyboard lay dormant:biggrin:
You sure took it to the best guy to service it.

Barney is the only person I let touch my NSX, my Supra, my 300ZX and my son's IS300. He is a great mechanic, and a fine person.

When you come back to Nashville, PM me and Barney, you and I could go out for a beer or two, my treat.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the well wishes and comedic relief. Doc, you are funny! Imagine me being letting my keyboard go dormant. You remember what they said about awakening a sleeping "giant", well be careful what you wish for.....etc.

But for all those that would really like to hear more details about what Barney has found I will let you know what he said and what's being done as I write. I will say that one on this thread lives in Nashville and knows of the "barn man"! He is truly a fine person and I feel very fortunate to have someone like him working on my car. Another wrote me and asked if there wasn't someone locally that was good to do work; I'm sure there is but early on in one of my posting "rashes" I was contacted by John Perkins, another lister that doesn't write much (but fortunately for me he decided to write to me), and he told me about his 4 NSXs and the "barn man" and he drives to see him from Louisville. He praised him so highly that I felt compelled to go to Barney. You see the big difference is that Barney likes what he does and loves NSXs and likes to work on them - it's not just a job on a car where things are tough to get too and hard to work on. Guys you can't buy dedication like that - ok, that's why I went out of my way to go to Barney.

OK, so what did Barney say about the car, well one thing was that the underside of the car was so clean he couldn't believe it. He said you'd have to take most NSXs he's seen up on a rack and work with a degreaser for hours. But it actually caused him to wonder if the car had been tracked - well fortunately I heard back from the prev. owner and the answer was no and not only for him but the guy before him - or since 94. That's good enough for me and one things for sure I have a clean car.

The car is as advertised - another good thing - it does look like a new car. The black roof is really nice as I understand many are faded so that's a big plus. The interior is also very nice with very minimal wear on the side bolster otherwise almost like new as is the interior of the car. I got a really nice cosmetic car and it runs great.

The car is lowered on Eibachs and is really just too low for me and I'm not willing to worry with speed bumps that much - but it rides great on them and it turns great and I'm on the stock shocks, the tires are nice Michelin Pilots and have a lot of tread left for being 6 years old. But at 1500 miles a year for the last 8 years they should be but he has the camber and toe set just right! Wear is not that big of an issue as some have experienced. I'm having the original springs put back on the car cause I intend to drive it a lot more and I have a driveway that is funky at the bottom and I just don't want the scrapes as the valence trim is also from a later model car and deeper and therefore the car is effectively lowered by 1 and 1/2 inches or more and that's too low for me.

I'm having the clutch replaced (OEM) right off - could have lived with it a while but I wan't a new car experience - the tb/wp/hoses/oil cooler hoses/axel boots replaced too, car is tight as Barney says - no bushing issues - good for me. I am having the steering rack replaced which was a tough call but there was a little play in it - 1/2 mm - that's the kind of inspection Barney does. But it was on it's way out and you know how that goes - "while you have it might as well"...etc. Fluids and stuff like that. It has Comptech headers and a later model exhaust muffler on it. I don't think that the power increase is like night and day.

The PO, is an SCCA racer and has the fastest bug eye in the country, and many first place trophies and knows "feel", he said when he put that on when asked "could he feel it by the seat of the pants" - NO. But he said if it was on a watch it would probably register faster 0-60 times. I'm just happy knowing my "pet" breathes easier!

I'm about to bust with anticipation of how much better this car is gonna feel when I get it back - expensive stuff repaired - yes- but it's going to feel really great and I should have a HUGE smile on my face on the way home. I had a huge smile on my face when I drove it to Nashville for about 3 hours of a 13 hour trip cause guys driving on the highway to a destination that far away having to make it in one day - SUCKED! I don't ever want to do that again.

I will say that on that trip I saw a few things that were worth seeing - the Miss. river, Lake Charles, Henderson Swamp, and last but surely not least crossing over the Tenn. River was awesome - now that's a beautiful river if you haven't seen it. And guys that's about it for 13 + hours. LIke I said I don't want to repeat that ever!

Now the fun is really gonna begin and I'll be off on vacation before I can get the car so when I get back it'll be like a BIG birthday present waiting for me !!!! Yipeee.

There you have it and there'll be more to come .....just for DocL....kidding of course. Thanks again for your support guys - great group here!
