Finally an NSX owner!

TAG - I know you're right too. That's the sad thing. Cars are addictive and I'd much rather have the NSX or HSC than a boat but if we can get the permitting done the dock is a slam dunk because we'll then be considered deep water vs. marsh view. Cha' Ching...ohhh, idea, do HELOC and buy the NSX!!!!
nvrquit4 said:
TAG - I know you're right too. That's the sad thing. Cars are addictive and I'd much rather have the NSX or HSC than a boat but if we can get the permitting done the dock is a slam dunk because we'll then be considered deep water vs. marsh view. Cha' Ching...ohhh, idea, do HELOC and buy the NSX!!!!

Sounds like this has been well thought out already...:biggrin:
TAG, great looking automobile! My wife doesn't know the first thing about cars, nor does she I got my 5sp (it's only a 94)!!! She's not the best driver in the world either, so it's probably a good thing she could care less! Congrats to you, and you must have a great wife. You two "love birds" have fun...don't forget to wear your seat belt.;)
TAG said:
Sounds like this has been well thought out already...:biggrin:
I'm trying. Gotta a great intro to a potential large case this afternoon. Maybe that is "the" case? We'll see. Either way I'll make this happen in due time and will look forward to joining this group. thx for the input and sorry if I highjacked the thread.

Back to to original....MANY cograts on the recent purchase you lucky dog.