Finally an NSX owner!

4 September 2005
Vancouver, BC
I joined NSX Prime about 5 years ago to keep on top of trends with the NSX. I would check in from time to time to check out the latest products. Read up on common problems and fixes. Check out the photo galleries and builds. It has always been one of my dream cars and I told myself I'd get one, one day.

After years of saving up, I finally bought one this year. The car was shipped from the east coast to west coast, Maryland to Washington. I'm up north in Canada. My friends gave me a lift down south to cross the border it was very windy and rainy and was it ever a hectic day.

It's a holiday here in Canada so border line ups were packed. We were in line at 7am... got through at 845. Anyone who arrived later expected a 3 hour delay. Drove down to Walmart to grab a quick bite and proceeded south. I had to stop at a DMV to obtain a permit to drive the vehicle. At this point I was pressed for time as I had to export the car by 3:30pm or else I would have had to store my car somewhere and wait until wednesday to export it. It was 12pm and I waited for half hour at the DMV for the permit. Then it was off to the tow yard to get the car. Everything checked out fine. I used DAS for the transport and everything went smooth. Car arrived earlier than their estimated ETA. I was happy with their service, although they seem to also have some bad reviews. I was just glad my car was ok.

It was around 1pm when I left the tow yard. The drive back to the border crossing was 3 hours, so off I went leaving my friends behind. There was less than a quarter tank of fuel, so after 45 minutes of driving I decided to exit the highway and get some gas. Major traffic in the city. Pulled into a Chevron. I wish they had 94 Octane like we do. Man, do the pumps ever pump so slow. Now I was really pressed for time.

Back onto the highway I went. The weather cleared out and the sun was peaking out. The ride back was quite nice. No more pouring rain, but the wind was blasting away. I was surprised that it didn't blow me around much. Most likely because the NSX is so low? I tried not to think about the time and just kept driving at the speed limit :wink: and enjoyed the drive. Car was very tight and smooth. A lot more road noise than I'm used to, but that's part of the experience of it. I love the sound of the engine as I step on the gas to accelerate. Can't wait to install headers and an exhaust.

So I'm cruising down the highway and I hear a beep. Then a hear a few more beeps. Then the beeping goes faster and faster as I was acclerating, so I hit the brakes and slow down. I look around the area and on top of the overpass I see a cop car. I hear the beeps every now and then. So this thing has a hidden radar detector somewhere. Anyone know where they would install one on the NSX? I would like to know what model is installed.

When I reached the border, there were no lineups, so I quickly parked the car and ran to the US customs building. The time was 3:27pm. I had 3 minutes to spare. Whew. It was quite funny, because when I took off from my friends, one of them yelled to me, you have three minutes to spare! What a coincidence. US cutsoms was very quick. They just stamped the title for export. Then I proceeded to Canadian customs. That took around 10 minutes to have some forms filled, pay my taxes and duties. After that, I headed home.

Next steps are to add Daytime Running Lights. Pass inspections. Then get it registered and insured. It will be driven mostly stock this summer and mods will commence during fall/winter storage.

It's a 1998 NSX-T in GPW. Completely stock with an NSXCA sticker on the rear window. 49K miles. Going to do the timing belt, etc over the winter.

I want to thank everyone on this site for being very helpful. Special thanks to arista5 for hooking me up with free car faxes while I was hunting a car down. It was also he, who steered me to this GPW NSX. arista5 is also, looking for an NSX 02+. If anyone has any leads, please let him know. I hope you find your car soon buddy.

Also, a special thanks to brandonsan. I was looking for someone in the area to do a PPI for me and he pm'd me. When I told him which car I needed a PPI on, he gave me his number to call him. I called him and he told me that he already had done the PPI for another person who wanted to purchase the car but couldn't in the end. He gave me the details for no charge at all. Very nice guy.

Well, that's my story for now. Pictures to follow. Maybe a build thread. Hope to meet more of you as I should be on this site more frequently now.
Congrats on a very nice, clean car !!! What do you think of the car ? Was my description of the car's condition OK ? Where are the pics ? By the wat if I remember correctly your detector is behind the front bumper cover near the radiator opening.
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congrads!was this the one at shockley honda?

Yes, That's the one!

Congrats on a very nice, clean car !!! What do you think of the car ? Was my description of the car's condition OK ? Where are the pics ? By the wat if I remember correctly your detector is behind the front bumper cover near the radiator opening.

The car was exactly as you described. Couldn't be more happier. Thanks for your help Brandon. Everything was pretty clean and in great condition. The car is a lot nicer in person. Pictures to follow when it stops raining here. I'm looking for a white Ford 1-150 now to match the colour of the NSX =). Might pick one up today. It will be used for winter driving.
Kevin i am happy to see you have yours (though somewhat jealous :tongue:)

cant wait to see pics!!! and I also look fwd to writing my own new owner story!
Welcome aboard - now you own one of the great cars ever made! You are also part of a great family here now too. Pics are much appreciated. Actually I need to show some of my car - I'm not sure I ever did.

Anyway you got a great color - I was hoping for a white one at one time but I am happy with my silver car. Glad you made it to Canada with "time" to spare - great story. Thanks for sharing.

Well it makes me sad another NSX has left the Country but I am glad its going to a good home. enjoy it and treat her well. and most Importantly dont GARAGE QUEEN the damn thing. drive it. and drive it Hard! thats what it was designed for. not Rotting in some garage.
Shawn and I are both drivers - bought our cars to drive em. Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve the car a bit though. I can understand that.

My wife and I were washing our cars yesterday - the Prius, then the RL, then the "jet fighter" - and as I was washing the car we started talking about cars in general and I said you know I don't think I'll ever sell it. Ana agreed - it's a rare car - and it's going to get even more and more rare - as they bite the dust or get turned into track monster or modded beyond recognition - like that crazy Lambo orange job -:eek:!

So I started thinking that maybe I won't drive mine every day. I drove it everyday last week to work - and I love driving the car but it's nice to preserve it a bit and I thought about how many miles I want to put on it. It's got 45k on it now - I think my first year of ownership is just drive it and have fun but after that I may limit my driving of the car to 3000 miles a year. Something like that to keep it nice - cause it really is rare and it's in great shape inside and out. And it is running like a top now. Hard not to drive it - it's a real dicotomy. I drove it in today though:biggrin:

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. My car will be a daily driver from the beginning of Spring to the end of Fall every year. So it will be insured for about 8 months of the year. She'll get some good driving time on her. This is definitely a car that I will keep forever.

I'll try to post pictures up as soon as I get it officially registered so that I can take her out on a drive. Should be sometime this week. It has pinstripes going around the whole car and also going down the hood and front bumper. It's cleared over, so I'm wondering was this ever a factory option? It's kind of cool, but personally it's not for me. I'd prefer my car to be more clean. I haven't decided to take them off or not. That would entail a repaint and I'd rather not do that. Unless I decide to go widebody.
Pinstriping was definitely not a factory option. But it may look ok - so I wouldn't sweat it - a new paint job done right would definitely set you back some serious bucks!
I have never seen Pinstripping on an NSX, yikes either good or bad dunno, post those pics I wanna see what the pin stripping looks like. goodluck
The pinstriping isn't bad on that car, though not my thing (if it is the car I'm thinking about.....has thin blue/black pinstriping). Saw it in the FS ads a while back, didn't know it had been cleared over because I would have pulled them off first them if'n it were me (but that is just my personal opinion).

That being said, it looked like a nice car, congrats on buying the fastest color!

Now post pics......
your not aloud to post anything else without pics, congrats
Just brought her in for a provincial inspection. Only issue with car at the moment is that one of the Valve covers is leaking. Dealer originally thought it was the oil pan gasket so they replaced it, but I suspect it was the Valve cover all along. Will be getting that replaced when I get the Timing belt and water pump done. I'll try to get pics of her up soon. Hopefully before she goes into the shop for a few weeks.

Update on the pinstriping: It's done by hand and brush and not a sticker. Now I'm not sure if it's cleared over or not. I can't seem to tell, I tried scratching with my nail and nothing came off. I'm going to take it to my friend that's a painter and figure it out. If it's not cleared, then I'll try wet sanding it then buff it out.
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Welcome and Congrat's:
GPW is a top desired color! You did well. I remember looking at your car when posted.
Don't worry about the pin stripping. I wouldn't touch the paint with a wet sanding just for that!
Are you in Vancouver? Did I miss that? Another NSX imported to Canada. The number of NSXs in Canada continues to grow.

Post those pictures.
Welcome and congrats on being an NSX owner! It's a car that will take your breath away everytime you look at it, sit in it and most importantly...DRIVE IT!!! :biggrin:
It was nice and sunny yesterday. Finally took some pics of the car. Don't mind the yellow fog lights. I had to install them to pass inspection. They will be removed sooner or later.


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Nice color combo! The pinstripes don't look too bad, but if you can get them it!
Welcome to the family... very nice looking car.

Shawn and I are both drivers - bought our cars to drive em. Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve the car a bit though. I can understand that.

So I started thinking that maybe I won't drive mine every day. I drove it everyday last week to work - and I love driving the car but it's nice to preserve it a bit and I thought about how many miles I want to put on it. It's got 45k on it now - I think my first year of ownership is just drive it and have fun but after that I may limit my driving of the car to 3000 miles a year. Something like that to keep it nice - cause it really is rare and it's in great shape inside and out. And it is running like a top now. Hard not to drive it - it's a real dicotomy. I drove it in today though:biggrin:


Tough call.... Tim you could drive it into the ground and have a blast and look for another one... but since it is so nice, slow down some and maybe get another one to drive hard and take to the track :smile:

I was thinking about an earlier comment Tim made... you can drive the car or ride in parades....

Two good choices.... I would assume a MT coupe would make the better driver, while the AT NSX-T would make the best parade vehicle. It would allow you to keep your hands free for the "wave" and with the top off you could be seen much better.

I would drive mine more, but I park in a parking garage, there is no way (door dings, yikes). Plus the winters where I live and all the chemicals, sand and gravel on the roads, she stays under cover.

But I do enjoy taking it out afterwork and weekends...

Now, if I lived further south, I would definitely drive my red rice rocket much more often :biggrin:

Anyway, kinda off subject... back to welcoming you to the NSX family. Have a wonderful day ey? I use to live on the Idaho/Canadian border many years ago... Canada is beautiful!
