Ferrari sea of red pic

That is awesome, I had seen some stuff like that before but this one was much cooler than anything I have seen before.

Did you notice the girl in the white mini skirt with the great legs?
there is some camera lens that uses a dome out the top and creates a donut shape photo. There is some digital processing that can return the photo into a flat panorama. That is one method, I'm sure there are others.

With that many F-cars... it doesn't seem very special anymore.
I believe the lense is similar to the SLR lenses, called a fish eye lense. Shows true panoramic view, similar as mentioned earlier in using it in house sales such as or

Though amazing shot... WOW...
kenjiMR said:
there is some camera lens that uses a dome out the top and creates a donut shape photo. There is some digital processing that can return the photo into a flat panorama.

Ummm, you mean the one Robert linked to yesterday?
:rolleyes: :D :rolleyes:
BTW, everything I've read about the process says that the lens produces lower quality results than other methods - I guess it is a kind of "quick and dirty" solution.