Ferrari race car crash (warning: intense)

NSX-Racer said:
For me the most important sentence is this one in the article:

"A letter that tries to eliminate one party from taking any responsibility for major accidents caused by gross negligence is incorrect, unfair and not void in this court," presiding judge Ono said.

My fellow racers: Isn't such letter the same as we always underwrite at our racetrack events (at least we do here in Europe)? Do you believe the judges in our countries would decide the same as this japanese judge? If so, would that mean that the papers we sign are obsolete?

I claim this to be a very principal and important issue for our events, the racetrack owners, our clubs and of course for ourselves.
Generally, the waivers you sign before doing something dangerous are useless. I think their main purpose is to keep people from suing, because they think they signed away their rights to sue.

However, if somebody was negligent and you got hurt, no amount of papers signed ahead of time will keep a court from hearing a lawsuit.

Granted, things are a little different here than in Germany, since we live in a highly litigious society.
NSX-Racer said:
For me the most important sentence is this one in the article:

"A letter that tries to eliminate one party from taking any responsibility for major accidents caused by gross negligence is incorrect, unfair and not void in this court," presiding judge Ono said.

My fellow racers: Isn't such letter the same as we always underwrite at our racetrack events (at least we do here in Europe)? Do you believe the judges in our countries would decide the same as this japanese judge? If so, would that mean that the papers we sign are obsolete?

I claim this to be a very principal and important issue for our events, the racetrack owners, our clubs and of course for ourselves.

The letter or waiver as we call it in the US is basically a statement stating that we understand that the stuff we are doing are dangerous. And nobody can be liable for accident caused by it because it is dangerous.

However, it doesn't mean you can watch somebody that got into accident to die. All those letter can be thrown out if there is gross negligence. What can be constitute as gross negligence is basically what happened in the tape. Whoever the organizer was, they are required to help the person in timely manner, which did not happened IMHO.
nsxr1 said:
Did anyone by any chance save the @sshole pic? My curiosity always gets the best of me :D ...

Oh good grief! I was afraid someone was going to ask that... No! No! No! I wish I could erase the memory of it but I'm afraid it is seared in there pretty good. I may need counselling - which somebody is going to have to pay for... :eek: My wife may also consider a suit for my complete lack of interest in any form of relations in the future... that's how nasty that picture was... :mad:
nsxr1 said:
Did anyone by any chance save the @sshole pic? My curiosity always gets the best of me :D ...

Trust me you don't wanna see that thing. Somethings wrong with the person that put that nasty thing up.
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD< THANK GOD THE both DRIVERS ARE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was the most scaryest crash.... :eek:
How about the marshall waving the yellow flag after the first accident - as if anyone could see it in the rain!!

Also, regarding waivers, there are conditions these apply to, and others that don't qualify. For instance:
- Did the organizers take reasonable precautions and provide customary safety gear, education and observers?

- Did the organizers provide a pile of bricks for spectators to throw at the cars and offer prizes for most hits? I'm sure you can see the difference.
Ok all of you saw the clip, but did you notice the 2 white NSX's that were in the lead behind the pace car?
Damn, poor guy didn't get enough $ IMO. The guy has a prostetic nose and is wearing a wig. My wife works on this type of stuff. She says its the worst type of pain imagineable.

As for the cars, it appeared to be a 993 RS that hit first and was hit by a 355. The fuel cells are forward in both cars and the odds of fire like that are remote. I suspect the Ferrari bladder ruptured with fuel going into the floor board. :(
Can someone post a bittorrent of that video?