Ferrari 599 GTO T-boner

26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W

F-car driver looks
Wow! Unfortunate... I almost always still look both ways when leaving a red light. Could have been the car that had the video rolling just as easy.
Holy $h!t! :eek::eek::eek:

The driver in the car with the dash cam didn't even stop after witnessing the accident? He just says "lucky, eh?" and keeps on driving? WTF?

And this is majorly f'd up! What the hell is wrong with people?! :mad:
Despite the horrific accident that occured on Saturday, a man was spotted stealing money from the Japanese woman trapped in the taxi who was still alive at that point in time.
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Holy $h!t! :eek::eek::eek:

The driver in the car with the dash cam didn't even stop after witnessing the accident? He just says "lucky, eh?" and keeps on driving? WTF?

And this is majorly f'd up! What the hell is wrong with people?! :mad:

Horrific accident

My gawd what is happening to people. I was thinking the same thing. They don't even pull over to help.

I can't believe somebody would be so low to take money from the injuried lady in the cab. What is wrong with people.
That video is gruesome!! I feel sorry for all the families involved!
Well, having visited these countries, esp. China, there is little if any care given for human life/others.

I mean, they grind up babies to make boner pills for christ sake.

Insensitive much?!

Really? Do elaborate.

Interesting that a short video clip in Singapore brings out all this comments. Do tell how you really feel.
Well, having visited these countries, esp. China, there is little if any care given for human life/others.

I mean, they grind up babies to make boner pills for christ sake.

That's generalizing it , no?
China is not whole of Asia and no disrespect but no one really knows what going on in there until recent decades, iron curtain as they called it.
It is pretty strange strange that a car accident in Asia could remind you of grind babies?!:eek: I honestly hope that is not true!

You visited these countries, including Singapore? If you did... must be a really really short visit :smile: like anywhere else in the world some places you avoid of course but likes of Singapore..? Probably one of the few places in the world you can walk alone, after midnight, anywhere in that country and be safe.
Well, having visited these countries, esp. China, there is little if any care given for human life/others.

I mean, they grind up babies to make boner pills for christ sake.

Amen. I've been to Asia in 2005 and 2010 and concur.

I thought the aborted babies were used for fountain of youth pills as oppose to wee wee meds.....
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She revealed that her husband left the house at 3am in the morning that day, wanting to “go out for a drive”. She also didn’t know who the female passenger in the car is, even asking reporters: “Who is she?”

this is all wrong !!!
Where have you guys been to..? Just got me curious!


I will neither confirm nor deny that for $10 u can get a 5'8" 115-125lbs super model with a proper hour glass figure and a face better than any Asian models that Victoria Secrets considers a model.
She revealed that her husband left the house at 3am in the morning that day, wanting to “go out for a drive”. She also didn’t know who the female passenger in the car is, even asking reporters: “Who is she?”

this is all wrong !!!

Let us pray......
So u still love moi¿

comments/opinion usually comes from many sources, experience and ignorant to name a few. Both of which cannot be reason to hate. :wink:


I will neither confirm nor deny that for $10 u can get a 5'8" 115-125lbs super model with a proper hour glass figure and a face better than any Asian models that Victoria Secrets considers a model.

Better than calling you 'dude' no?

aaaa explains a lot where you've probably been. Reason what you seen and experience is not a good example of what is Asia, all depends where anyone goes to. And I do hope those are 'actual female model' cos ain't easy to confirm nor deny :biggrin:
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comments/opinion usually comes from many sources, experience and ignorant to name a few. Both of which cannot be reason to hate. :wink:

Better than calling you 'dude' no?

aaaa explains a lot where you've probably been. Reason what you seen and experience is not a good example of what is Asia, all depends where anyone goes to. And I do hope those are 'actual female model' cos ain't easy to confirm nor deny :biggrin:

They are females alright. I brought a horoscope to look inside and saw cervix. I told them that I am a mobile ob gyn from the UN.
Where have you guys been to..? Just got me curious!

BATMANs/SWIFTVISION and others are not wrong. This question should be addressed to you.

I worked in SG and Malaysia for 2+ years recently and as a Chinese-American, it was a culture shock. SG on the surface is very westernized and up-to-date but once you turn the 1st page, everything else is very ancient, old Chinese thinking.

I walked behind girls off the bus late at nite and they never looked back scared. That is because Sr. PM LKY has such a strong hold on everything there and his party of PAP(People Action Party) is 90% vs the opposition WP(Workers Party) and its against the law NOT to vote. I don't call that a Republic gov.
I did not know the meaning of free speech until I was there. LKY pointed his son to be the PM sweet. His son is not as shrew as the old man but the system allows him to have full control of everything.

SG wants real foreign talent for a long time but the Muslim population is turning out too many kids vs the Chinese so SG started importing people from China even running restaurants and 2nd tier national teams from China so they can become instant citizens to represent SG. Most local kids are so over-burdened with school work and passing tests, have little time to play sports. The children suicide rate is also not published but when I was there, there were 4 such case.

SG let this businessman in cuz he is rich and I personally saw a blue lambo at a food court late at nite with a douche(local means Ah Beng) and his hot, 5'6" asian GF. There is no place to drive in the whole country with any car. there are cameras everywhere. Even if you go to Sepang F1 track, its easy to get pull over from the Malay police since you have a SG plate=$$. Unless you are one of those Sultans driving a red BMW with NO speed limit.

I can go on and on with many more examples but whats the point, its asia. You can only be what others allow you to be IF you graduate from a good school with an education that is based on learning by rote. that is the way it is and I've never been to Brunei but if you a Malay descent, you are privileged and don't have to do anything in life. If you are Chinese descent, you have to work very hard and still not able to get ahead.

We have our share of big problems here in the US but I kissed the ground at LAX after I came home. SG/asia is good only for visit and not to stay. At least SG is relative clean.