Fayetteville NC NSX's

That was probably Tom, "MIZZOUNNC" on Prime. He works in Fayetteville, lives in Lumberton. He is the only NSX owner in the Fayetteville area that I know of. Quite a few in the general Raleigh area though.

Any of you guys go to the Brier Creek Cars and Coffee gatherings?

John Komar from Raleigh (99NCNSX) usually always attaends this event. Normally he posts the event here in the Southeast thread.

I atteneded once and this meet has a great turn out of all sorts of cars. The 2 hour drive for me is just too much unless I actuall need to go a Raleigh for a reason.
I'll be in Fayetteville for a year. Coincidence this thread.

Nice!! Military? When you moving here?

John Komar from Raleigh (99NCNSX) usually always attaends this event. Normally he posts the event here in the Southeast thread.

I atteneded once and this meet has a great turn out of all sorts of cars. The 2 hour drive for me is just too much unless I actuall need to go a Raleigh for a reason.

I've never attended one either been meaning to, probably will hit the next one. Only just over a hour drive for me so.
Nice!! Military? When you moving here?

I've never attended one either been meaning to, probably will hit the next one. Only just over a hour drive for me so.

John Komar here... I try to attend these every month. They are terrific and growing in attendance with a wide variety of cars - PCA Hurricane Chapter meets there every Saturday - Triangle Italian Motorsports meets every 1st Saturday morning at 9 am. This is the big draw and has attracted not only a lot of Exotics, but a nice mix of special interest and collectables. Believe me you won't be disappointed.

Next event is Saturday August 7th.
I've got a Bogey Cup Tour golf tournament at Eagle Ridge teeing off at 1130 on Saturday. Not sure if I'd have the time to get up there or not. I'm in Oklahoma visiting my 93 year old Dad in the hospital.
2 weeks and counting, is there anything but this Skibo rd place to go? LOL People here can not drive or make up their minds. Must be common!:confused: Scared to bring any of my cars here.:redface: Any popular good car meets without the usual ricer crowd etc????

2 weeks and counting, is there anything but this Skibo rd place to go? LOL People here can not drive or make up their minds. Must be common!:confused: Scared to bring any of my cars here.:redface: Any popular good car meets without the usual ricer crowd etc????


Ive been to Fayetteville twice in 2 years and noticed the crappy driving, and lots of donks... which I still dont get, and probably never will :confused:
Not military. I am here and so far after a week I haven't seen much but HUGE wheels on these donks, bubbles etc and a lot of bikes.


Not military, what brings you to Fay. I work at Ford dealership myself. Yes sadly the city is infested with Donks, etc.

2 weeks and counting, is there anything but this Skibo rd place to go? LOL People here can not drive or make up their minds. Must be common!:confused: Scared to bring any of my cars here.:redface: Any popular good car meets without the usual ricer crowd etc????


Traffic in Skibo rd area is horrible, especially at Christmas. We do have some local gatherings. I'll keep you posted of anything if you'd like.

Not military, what brings you to Fay. I work at Ford dealership myself. Yes sadly the city is infested with Donks, etc.

Traffic in Skibo rd area is horrible, especially at Christmas. We do have some local gatherings. I'll keep you posted of anything if you'd like.


I am up for anything it has been so boringly sad HERE HELP!!!!!! LOL Amongst the drivers and every worst driving error that did not make sense, the people seem to walk as they drive GEEEEZ!!! LOL

As for work I am just hanging out basically babysitting.
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I am up for anything it has been so boringly sad HERE HELP!!!!!! LOL Amongst the drivers and every worst driving error that did not make sense, the people seem to walk as they drive GEEEEZ!!! LOL

As for work I am just hanging out basically babysitting.

I currently live on 301 side of town, yourself? There is Cars and Coffee in Raleigh coming up Oct 2. I'm sure a few of us from here in town will be heading up. I work at Crown Ford on corner of Skibo and Bragg Blvd, if your in area swing by service desk and ask for me.
I currently live on 301 side of town, yourself? There is Cars and Coffee in Raleigh coming up Oct 2. I'm sure a few of us from here in town will be heading up. I work at Crown Ford on corner of Skibo and Bragg Blvd, if your in area swing by service desk and ask for me.

Cool thanks i'll PM you my contact info also. I can swing by there tomorrow after my work is complete. I am off of Rim road staying at a buddies place.

I'm about 2 hours away in Jacksonville. I have the same issues with stupid drivers! I almost never drive my car in that town. I stick to the beach towns and have gone west to Raleigh and Greensboro a handful of times. You will have people trying to race you in any vehicle that they drive. I had a jeep peel out on a green light before to show me up?! They huge jacked up trucks scare the $h!t out of me too. If they look in their mirrors they would look right over the roof of you car and try to merge on you. That's happened a few times too. Rediculousness!!
I just moved back from the Triad area living in Winston Salem and we had a good amount of clean nsx's in the area, some are on here I believe. Do you guys ever make your up that way?
not too much mostly raleigh or florida if I leave town... If there is enough of us around in north carolina we should have a mini meet
not too much mostly raleigh or florida if I leave town... If there is enough of us around in north carolina we should have a mini meet

Have you been in touch with John Komar yet? He has a distro list of all of the triangle NSX's and keeps everybody posted with meets. The Cars and Coffee in Cary is your best bet for a good crowd. Fayetteville is far too weird (lived there for a total of 9 years)

I just moved back to Fayetteville last weekend, but I sure as hell will not be taking my car down skibo :)
Have you been in touch with John Komar yet? He has a distro list of all of the triangle NSX's and keeps everybody posted with meets. The Cars and Coffee in Cary is your best bet for a good crowd. Fayetteville is far too weird (lived there for a total of 9 years)

I just moved back to Fayetteville last weekend, but I sure as hell will not be taking my car down skibo :)

Yeah I hear you about skibo. No I havent talked to him yet. :( Sounds good. I think I have to check out the cars and coffee then.
Yeah I hear you about skibo. No I havent talked to him yet. :( Sounds good. I think I have to check out the cars and coffee then.

I just sent you his email. The C&C is in Cary the first Saturday of every month... I'm not sure the next one that I'll make but i'll let you know and we can cruise up.
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I'm a bit worried about driving my NSX in Fayetteville too.. I'll probably drive my daily most days and then sell it right before I move early next year.

I see on Facebook there's a Fayetteville Cars and Coffee, anyone ever go to it?

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