Fast and the Furious 3 ..NSX

Somehow im not surprised they picked the ugliest body kit for the NSX.
hahaha dont hate =)
that veilside is sick, the rear end looks funny but i'm a fan, i'm sure its too EXTREEEME for some or just plain oogly for others =)

haha it'd be silly to see an NSX in a Touge though, a tad big for that sort of thing, lol i'm sure the NSX is gonna end up being the hero's super DRITFO ACTION CAR!!! lol i shudder the thought of all the crazy kids trying to drift on public roads after this.... btw watched the Initial D live action movie... i thought it was totally awesome... especially the part when Itsuki first steps out in the Castrol racing suit, i almost fell out of my chair
Don't worry, the ugly Louis Vitton NSX was only in the sequel for like 10 seconds. We probably won't see this one either.
NsXMas said:
The sequel was so bad, that Vin Diesel avoided a role in it.

I'm not a big fan of Vin Diesel, but I give him kudos for that. :smile:
I wouldn't be surprised if he walked away from the movie not because it was bad, but because he wanted more money.

Thankfully, he was able to do bigger and better things like The Pacifier. :rolleyes:
Come on guys, let's be serious. BOTH the movies sucked. I actually paid to watch the first piece of crap and watched the second while on a flight home from NYC.

I wish the NSX weren't appearing in the movies. But that's just me.
NsXMas said:
The sequel was so bad, that Vin Diesel avoided a role in it.

I'm not a big fan of Vin Diesel, but I give him kudos for that. :smile:

I think he didn't take the role because the producers wouldn't give him his asking salary. The story originally had him starring in it, but it was then rewritten after he declined the role.
I like both movies they had some cool cars and that made me like them. They are fun movies to watch. I don't think they wanted to make a award winning film. I thought Lord of the Rings was crap my self and every one thought that movie was so great. Plus I am sure that all the people who say FF1 FF2 were crap will watch FF3 just for fun and that what that movie is intended to be FUN.
The NSX better be the MAIN car in the a teen the movies arent THAT bad, but it need better and I mean BETTER actors and the plot...MY GOD....HORRIBLE

If they are going to make a Tuner car movie...make it true and get the real aspects of street tuning life out...not that hollywood crap
Pacemaker Kid89 said:
The NSX better be the MAIN car in the a teen the movies arent THAT bad, but it need better and I mean BETTER actors and the plot...MY GOD....HORRIBLE

If they are going to make a Tuner car movie...make it true and get the real aspects of street tuning life out...not that hollywood crap

because real street tuner life is so exciting right? im going to watch to get some laughs out of it.
I knew the first one was crap after they paid to have a skyline in the movie and you saw it for maybe 5 seconds.
its obvious Mitsubishi put some money in these movies, well at least the second one.
well think logically why the skyline was in the movie for 5 seconds. For one they didn't buy the car, they rented it. Also main character cars are going to get thrashed, as well as the need for the same car at two places at the same time (filming purposes) so several copies of the car have to be made. It's not really logical to buy 4 skylines to crash when you don't know how well this movie will do (im talking bout the first movie). Who cares really that much to lose sleep over it? its just a movie.
Both of the movies lacked cinematic quality, but were tolerable because I liked looking at the cars....that was about it. :)
VampNSX said:
I thought Lord of the Rings was crap my self and every one thought that movie was so great.
OT: Wow! I am glad I am not alone. Watched first 2 on dvd and took girlfriend to see Return of the King and waited long ass lines, ended up being one of the worst movie we have ever seen, 3+hours of torture, everything other than visual was crap.

FF1 and FF2 was ok for me, it had super cheesy/ghey acting, but car action still decent. Most people watch it for the cars. I would bet most of us will probably see FF3 once it comes out.

Just look at what FF1 and FF2 has done to import car business.

Too bad they used excessive ricy color selection (orange/lime green/etc) and misrepresnting NSX.