Fast 5

my favorite one by far

Vance, your car.....I WANT IT!!!!!

and yes, the ending credits were interesting :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I must say that I was disappointed in it.:frown:
I was hoping that since they started out with an NSX in the opening scene that it would lead to more of the same, however, it didn't.
To me the movie wasn't really about the kind of stuff(import scene) that all the others were about.
I must say that I was disappointed in it.:frown:
I was hoping that since they started out with an NSX in the opening scene that it would lead to more of the same, however, it didn't.
To me the movie wasn't really about the kind of stuff(import scene) that all the others were about.
they made it more of a better story to me
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I'm running OEM NSX R wheels with OEM spec, so are the seats. The one used in the movie was 215/40R18 and 275/35R19. Exhaust is the Bel Canto, or now they called it GT-ROM v.6.
I must have passed someone who just saw the movie. On the way home today someone in a silver Subaru(looked like a WRX wagon) was wildly honking at me and gave me a hang loose gesture. :biggrin:
GREAT flick. Im a sucker for this franchise, but I think of all of them, this one is probably accessible to non fans as well. Works very well as a trilogy with 1 and 4, yet has some easter eggs for folks who have seen all of them (like the entire crew... LOL)

Vance, your car looked super tight and sounded amazing man - and what a great amount of screen time! Plus, you've now had Jordana's ass on your seat multiple times which is pretty powerful bragging rights ;)

The post credit ending was very strange, IMO, but Im fully in for anything that gives me more of Vin and the Rock smashing each other through walls. Watching two silverback gorilla sized guys throwing down is always good fun :D
The movie was better than I expected. I like how the movie is not overwhelmed with the import scene but still able to splash a little of that vibe through out the movie. The movie also links to the other FnF moives quite well while not over doing it to the point that non followers get confuse with the story.

I give it a B+, and nice car Vance. During that scene, my friends kept looking at me and making fun of me because they know I was happy to see a NSX in the movie.
Vance, loved your car on the big screen. I just wished there was more screen time. Anyways, good to see NSX representing since I watched it with some of my other friends who are just starting to understand the NSX.
Great Action Movie

I am would rate the movie for the franchise a C+

I feel it went away from the racing and import scene we all grew to love so much. I think they made it this way to appeal to a broader audience. In the one scene when they were about to race the blue Porsche and in the next scene you see they won, I kinda wish they filmed the actual race.

Oh well but nevertheless I LOVED the movie.

I heard that they might spin off the Rocks character as a fugative hunter and give him another movie.

and I think they might be doing Fast Furious 6!
After 3 installments ranging from somewhat amusing to downright awful, this franchise is ALIVE. I almost suspect that they purposely lowered my expectations with the previous three films in order to blow me away here. Now this new movie isn't perfect, but goddamn if they didn't try hard to please their fans.

Clearly we have left the street racing roots of the franchise behind almost completely for a hybrid of Bad Boys and Oceans 1x movie. To be honest, on paper this sounded so horrible that I was terrified of laying down my hard earned money for fear that this would be a disappointment in league with 2 and 4. Instead we got something that actually felt a little special.

Amazingly, we have finally found someone who can stand toe to toe with Vin Diesel on screen. The Rock has the charisma and physical presence to provide some balance, plus he brings his trademark humor to the role. Despite a series of starring roles and bit parts, this guy has never really had a role that allowed him to embrace both his dramatic and comic sides without the entire film resting on his shoulders. He is IMPOSSIBLY big, IMPOSSIBLY mean, and with that sick goatee, we know he means nothing but business. Setting him against our beloved heroes is so scary that when the inevitable happens and he is forced to join sides with them, we get a spine-tingling manly forearm-grasp scene that is superior to any man-touching scene since the Predator handshake.

Equally delightful is the return of Vince. Looking back, this guy was the catalyst for almost everything great that happened in the first movie. I had no idea he would be making an appearance, and I nearly pissed myself with happiness when he showed up. His so mean and scruffy that we always know he's gonna cause trouble, and he doesn't disappoint. But we also know just as certainly that he has a heart of gold, and that we can't stay mad at him forever.

The return of our ebony pals from Miami was actually more welcome than I thought it would be. Their banter is sharper than I remember, and with the superior cast in this movie, they are able to fit their roles perfectly.

Timeline fudging aside, I enjoyed seeing Han again, and hopefully they will find a way to keep him in future installments. These movies desperately need an asian character to stay true to their roots and suave and handsome Han fits the bill perfectly.

One way this movie exceeds even the original is the amount of hot ass present throughout the film. On the negative side, Mia murders every scene she is in. She has to be the most vanilla piece of ass ever. Luckily, we have plenty of hotter and more interesting chicks in the movie. WAY hotter. Plus the mid-credits stinger cameo of one of the hottest pieces of ass in hollywood. I can only pray that we get to see HER paired with the Rock extensively in the next movie.

Our heroes Bryan and Dom are the same as they ever were. Bryan is still the empty headed character seemingly swept along by fate. He is our avatar in the film and reminds me more than anything of the main character of Grand Theft Auto 3. Sure he actually talks, but the things he says are of such little gravity that he might as well be mute. Really though, it doesn't matter - he's just there to be our nominal protagonist. On the other hand, Torretto is Torretto. Dom gives us everything we want and 50% more. They've managed to keep his soul intact throughout all these movies, and we are constantly reminded WHY these people love him so much. He is all about the his familia. This is drilled into our heads over and over. This monster of a man, this paragon of testosterone is driven by his surprisingly soft creamy center of love for his peeps. We can respect that. If we were cops, we would totally let him go too.

Finally, some miscellaneous observations.

1. We've got enough dodgy physics problems in this movie to cover half a season of Mythbusters. Somebody make this happen.

2. Practical effects and stunts! The big budget (mostly) non-cg action movie still lives!

3. Thanks for NOT showing us that one street race where he wins the Porsche. This lets you get away with the tremendously silly cop car drag race and the overly long vault chase without having the audience already completely desensitized to car action.

4. This movie now has the honor of having my favorite cameo appearance of all time. At the climax of the movie when we finally see our legendary old friend NOS again, it almost brings tears to your eyes. NOS, you magnificent bastard.
^ Holy crap, did you write all that?? :eek:

When asked how I liked a movie, I usually reply with a "It was pretty good." :cool:
^ Holy crap, did you write all that?? :eek:

When asked how I liked a movie, I usually reply with a "It was pretty good." :cool:

It was my facebook review I did last weekend. :biggrin:
I'm avoiding most of the responses here in case of spoilers (didn't see the movie yet), but does Vance's NSX get a good amount of screen time?

Vance's car gets totaled by a bus! :eek:
Vance's car gets totaled by a bus! :eek:


Its a very good production, watched it in IMAX, and I plan on seeing it again.
The Black 71 Nissan Skyline Paul uses as a daily is a good friends and I have done a little bit of fabrication to it, was good seeing a car I work on every once in a while.

I hope they want extras again here in the future, maybe I can get my X in some of the background shots.

Alex, I spotted 2 scenes with your car in the background, mostly getting molested by the hotties, lol.

Vance, the producers did a great job for the beginning sequence with your car, was good seeing it again on the big screen.
About the Rock and the roles he's played... Check out Faster. That movie was awesome and the Rock was a force of nature in it.

He's really come a long way and is a great action star. Vin also. Was cool to see them together.
They didn't total my car, they killed the Dodge Charger (I think), but even that car is not real but a kit car they built for the movie, they had like seven of them from the last movie.

Do you guys know they reworked the brown NSX from the second movie to look like my car and is on display at Universal Studio?

This was one of the seven awesome R34 used in the fourth movie.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'm running OEM NSX R wheels with OEM spec, so are the seats. The one used in the movie was 215/40R18 and 275/35R19. Exhaust is the Bel Canto, or now they called it GT-ROM v.6.

Thanks for the response. So the wheels in the 4th movie where borrowed from someone? Correct? What where those size wheels? Also, I think you said you change the exhaust from what was in the 4th movie to what you have above. Didnt you feel that it devalued your car by doing so? since that is what is in the 4th movie. I guess the didnt care about the exhaust since the didnt care about the wheels right lol.
finally got a chance to go see it.. man they got my eyes wide open early seeing vance car.. i cant wait to see the next 6th and 7th fast and the furious.. haha
Thanks for the response. So the wheels in the 4th movie where borrowed from someone? Correct? What where those size wheels? Also, I think you said you change the exhaust from what was in the 4th movie to what you have above. Didnt you feel that it devalued your car by doing so? since that is what is in the 4th movie. I guess the didnt care about the exhaust since the didnt care about the wheels right lol.

I'm sure it the wheels differences will show up on IMDB goofs page. As for the exhaust, the dyno'd rwp show the same ending result with slightly difference in torque curve.

Its a very good production, watched it in IMAX, and I plan on seeing it again.
The Black 71 Nissan Skyline Paul uses as a daily is a good friends and I have done a little bit of fabrication to it, was good seeing a car I work on every once in a while.

I almost forgot about that car! That was an *awesome* addition. It was so cool seeing the classic Skyline. I had no idea they had such a long history and it looked extremely cool.