Fast 5


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
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Maybe. I got a call from Universal today. They wanted to know if I still have my car and if I'm willing to let them use it again. I said yes and yes. He said "I'll call you back next week."

Apparently they didn't include my car in the planning stage because they didn't think I will still have it, since most of the people cashed in their cars after the movie is released to get the most out of it.

Keeping my fingers crossed.
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It was wrapped about a month ago. From what I understand, the scene will be quick and may not need the actual stars. Spoil alert - they are going to crash the prison bus to get Dominic out. Part of the waiting period is to see if they can get the stars to come out so they know how to draw the storyboards.
Awesome! Brewster in your car was my favorite part of the last movie. I posted pics in the TV/Movie thread. I figured they would only need your car for that breakout scene. The movie comes out in 3 months so they better get on it!

Keep us posted. There were some other NSXs on here that were in the Atlanta shoot. I believe there is a thread in OT.
I was surprised when they called because I heard the shooting of the movie was concluded. Let's see if they are serious. I know it will be a hassle to get Brewster Diesel and Walker to come out, but they might be able to work around them. Have to wait and see.
So wait that black NSX from FF 4 was your car? Thats awesome. Did 'brewster' actually drive it for the movie? Thats just awesome if she did. That makes it an extra special NSX.
So wait that black NSX from FF 4 was your car? Thats awesome. Did 'brewster' actually drive it for the movie? Thats just awesome if she did. That makes it an extra special NSX.

They still haven't call me back yet. She was in the car, but the action sequence was done by stunt driver. She was in it on front of the green screen.
Good news and bad news. Got a call from Rick this morning (the guy who is in charge of car rental contract from Universal Studio); the shoot is scheduled to be on the 15th of March. My car will be used in the studio for interior shots on front of the green screen and some fly by runs on the road.

Here is the bad news.....

They are building a stunt clone of my car... You know what that means - There is going to be one less NSX off the road after the shoot is over, even if it has a salvage title....
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I drove by the train scene set on Hwy 62 several times on my way to and from Lake Havasu City...I'm looking forward to seeing how it came out!
Good news and bad news. Got a call from Rick this morning (the guy who is in charge of car rental contract from Universal Studio); the shoot is scheduled to be on the 15th of March. My car will be used in the studio for interior shots on front of the green screen and some fly by runs on the road.

Here is the bad news.....

They are building a stunt clone of my car... You know what that means - There is going to be one less NSX off the road after the shoot is over, even if it has a salvage title....

I hope it flies!
You know they could always make the clone out of a Pontiac Fiero or something. :biggrin:
yeah if they are gonna clone the NSX then that means they are gonna crash it in the movie. wow I wonder what they use to clone it?

a CIVIC lol or better yet a ford Fusion LOL
Latest update.

Got another called today and settled the rental agreement including the tax form and insurance value. They will pick up my car on a flatbed while delivering all the documentations and a check. Hopefully by next Monday.

The shoot is scheduled on the 14th of March for two days, at the same location as the previous movie, which is somewhere between the Grapevine and Bakersfield. Also they've decided that wrecking the NSX is not a good idea after all, regarding if it is a stunt double with a salvage title. Instead they are going to flip the prison bus and wreck the Charger (since they have like 30 of those in their warehouse).

So I believe it's a done deal and the upcoming movie will complete the scene from where the previous movie left off.

Hopefully this will not be the last time NSXs reach the silver screen!~

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Latest update.

.... Instead they are going to flip the prison bus and wreck the Charger (since they have like 30 of those in their warehouse).

Nice. :D