Fall Foliage (and venison) Drive - Photos

28 March 2002
A few of us got up early and took a little drive through the hills and twisties of the Bear Mountain area this morning. Along the way one of our members who shall remain nameless decided to try to make a little nature flick that we ended up naming "Bailey Does Bambi" but you will have to wait for its director to upload it later.

We had such a spirited run that much of the landscape was just a blur so I figured I would go back and do it again after we made an appearance at a local car show in order to capture the local colors of fall. I also took a little spin through my local roads and added a few shots there.














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Bob, sure you went back and took gorgeous photos without the rest of us for good reason, you didn't want to show the award winning yellow car next to your "I need Joe" dirty black car. And now everyone knows that next year the "Bailey does Bambi, Fall Foliage Porno Run" will be well populated. You guys will soon see what you missed!!!
WOW... so that's what it looks like when you live in a place that actually has 'seasons'!! Out-frickin'-standing! :eek:
Wow, you guys already have fall colour. We still ain't there yet. Sorry the poohbear and I couldn't make it.
I'm a California native and there are many things that I love about my state, but right now I'm downright jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice pics Bob.

My wife and I have been out on Sunday drives as well.
We've been going north up Rte. 28 to Woodstock and beyond to Andes, NY where it is changing from Fall to "Fell' very quickly.

Next time give me holler. Bear Mountain is so close by and I would have enjoyed meeting up with you folks.
That's amazing scenery... and the perfect car to enjoy it in, too! Anyone in the Northeast care to rent me their NSX next October? :)

Are the roads as good as the scenery?
Next time give me holler. Bear Mountain is so close by and I would have enjoyed meeting up with you folks.

Sorry we missed you Joe. I went as a last minute thing after seeing the thread about taking the cars out for a run yesterday morning. I figured everyone saw the other thread.
Thanks but you will have to forgive me for this next photo. The Kid wasn't able to join us after another night out carousing so this one is for him and for those similarly situated............

now that's funny, how did you get your wheels clean for the picture?:biggrin: :eek: