F355 Sound from NSX!

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Experienced Member
15 August 2000
Bellingham, WA
Having spent far too long looking and waiting for better sound from my NSX, I feel I've finally come close to audiable nirvana with my recent installation of a Gruppe M V2 exahaust system.

Nearly all the NSX exhausts sound either low and rumbly (i.e. RM), or they sound like a race car (i.e. Supertrapp, Tiatec). The Gruppe M is different: At mid-range rpm it produces a shrill, shreaking tone remanicant of a F355. And when paired up with the Gruppe M carbon fiber intake, the exhaust and intake harmonze together to produce a sound that sounds damn close to an F355!

Has anyone else here heard this combination? It really does sound incredable!!

I will post a through review in Product Reviews section with sound files once I find a good quality microphone I can borrow.

Here's a picture of my rear with the new exhaust installed...

The "shrill, shreaking tone" you hear is actually produced by the GruppeM intake, not the exhaust. If you want a very similar sound of the F355. Install only the GruppeM intake, and not exhaust. Because from the outside, the rumble of the exhaust will actually make the car sound less "shreaky"

The reason Ferraris sounds the way they are has more to do with engine design(crank) than exhaust tuning.

My club for infos on my NSX.
Originally posted by maomaonsx:
The "shrill, shreaking tone" you hear is actually produced by the GruppeM intake, not the exhaust. If you want a very similar sound of the F355. Install only the GruppeM intake, and not exhaust. Because from the outside, the rumble of the exhaust will actually make the car sound less "shreaky"


I hate to start an argument with you, but that's just not entirely accurate. Above 3500 rpm the Gruppe M exhaust's tone switches to a high pitched "shreak". In this range the exhaust produces a much higher pitched note than the intake <u>ever</u> produces.

Prior to installing the exhaust I had the Gruppe M intake alone for about 6 months. So I am well familar with which sounds are produced by the intake vs which are produced by my new exhaust.

The exhaust definitely adds a higher pitched roar that previously wasn't present, and this contributes to the overall sound along with the already excellent sound of the intake.
I can attest to the amazing sound of the GruppeM exhaust without getting into an arguement of whether it is generated from the intake.

My and Alex were watching Jay yoyoing up and down the street at near red line and the high pitch sound matches every bit as high as the price tag of this unit. Workmanship is top notch.

Then Alex and I drove the car a little or I should say a lot. There is no boomy sound at any RPM. You can cruise in the car for hours without getting sick of the sound. I believe Jay has the factory air box. With that, you can throw away all those defective Bose amps out the windows when they go bad and just listen to the songs from the engine.

By far, this is the best sounding system I have ever heard on an NSX. Although I have not heard the Taitec unit, but I have heard the RM, CT, RSR, Phase, HKS, DC Sports and a couple of other brands. Of course this is my own opinion. Your mileage may vary.

If you got the dough, this is the way to go!
How does this exhaust compare to the ARC Ti in sound at all levels of rpm? If the GruppeM is around $2,800, and the ARC Ti is around $3,200 from Dali, wouldn't it be a "better" choice to get the ARC?(simply for weight and because it's suppose to be the best?)

Don't get me wrong, I really like the way the GruppeM V2 exhaust looks, and I'm sure it sounds just as good!

In a side by side comparison between the GruppeM V2 and the ARC Ti exhaust systems, which would be a better choice and why? Would it be justifiable spending the extra $500 to get the ARC over the GruppeM because it's titanium?

I hope to get some good informative replies on this. Thanks

Lets please keep this comparison going between the ARC and GruppeM V2. I love the GruppeM products, but $2800 is a lot for a stainless exhaust system in any stretch of the imagination, but if it provides the high pitch sound it is probably worth it. But what sounds better, the ARC or GruppeM? I don't want to compare the new GruppeM Ti for it will probably be way more expensive then the ARC. Has anyone heard both?
Sorry to throw another iron in the fire, but wasn't someone talking about importing Tubi exhausts for the NSX a while back? Does anyone know what happened to that?? For anyone who doesn't know, Tubi is what the Ferrari guys get to upgrade THEIR sound...
Originally posted by jsottile:
But what sounds better, the ARC or GruppeM?

Good question. I will say "Gruppe M sounds better", but after spending that much money I may be a bit biased.

However, before purchasing the Gruppe M I seriously considered buying the ARC. While I have never heard the ARC Ti in person, I found an MP3 file of it on the net and it sounds very good indeed!

What made me go for the Gruppe M instead? Reportedly it had a much higher pitched than the ARC. Also, Alex V's comments that the ARC sounds "good", but not "exciting" like the Gruppe M.

After hearing the Gruppe M on my car, I don't regret it. I think it sounds much better than the ARC MP3 file I have. However, sound files can be deceptive. I would still like to hear the ARC in person sometime.

Hopefully I'll have some sound files of the Gruppe M to post in a few days. (Still need to find a decent microphone).
Here is my own personal notes of exhausts that I am aware of (alphabetical):

ARC Titanium Exhaust:
Superior build quality based on word of mouth.
Exhaust volume 9/10 based on word of mouth.
Exhaust note - Sounds similar to the RM exhaust, but is much more of a 'refined' exhaust note.
Price - $3200

Comptech Billet-Tip Exhaust:
Excellent build quality (especially late model units).
Exhaust volume 8/10
Exhaust note - Louder and more aggresive than Resonated Tip.
Price - $1159 or $1295

Comptech Resonated Tip Exhaust:
Excellent build quality (especially late model units).
Exhaust volume - 7/10
Exhaust note - Medium-Loud, medium-high pitch.
Price - $1159 or $1295

Dali Finstar:
Haven't looked at build quality
Exhaust volume 8/10 very similar to Comptech Billet-Tip
Exhaust note - very similar to Comptech Billet-Tip
Price - $800 or $850

Fujitsubo (Stainless or Titanium)
Superior build quality
Exhaust volume 9/10 based on word of mouth.
Exhaust note - similar to ARC
Price - approx $2700 (SS) or $3200 (Ti)

RM (B&B TriFlo)
Ok/Poor build quality
Exhaust volume 9/10
Exhaust note - loud, meaty, low, booming
Price - $950

SoS/TAITEC GT Parallel Exhaust
Superior build quality & airflow dynamics
Exhaust volume 8.5/10
Exhaust note - full, refined, changes pitch based on RPM
Price - $895.00 http://www.scienceofspeed.com/products/exhaust_airflow_products/SoS_TAITEC_family/GT_Parallel_Exhaust/

SoS/TAITEC JGTC Center-Exit Exhaust
Far Superior build quality & airflow dynamics
Exhaust volume 9.5/10
Exhaust note - what Senna hears... must experience to believe... see website for sound clip
Price - $1145.00 http://www.scienceofspeed.com/products/exhaust_airflow_products/SoS_TAITEC_family/JGTC_Center_Exhaust/

I will add on as I come in contact with more exhaust systems.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
www.NSXClassifieds.com - The internet's only exclusive NSX Classified site!

How about adding to your post what each exhaust is made out of(ie: SS, Ti, etc.) I would assume not everyone knows what they're made out of unless they've either done research on it, or by word of mouth. Just an idea. Great write up!

We all want the best possible sounds from our NSX. Some want it loud, some want to give it a small hum, and some just leave it alone.
My personal 411 to the list is an exhaust I imported from Japan. Its a single tip both sides, dual canister, Kakimoto unit. Excellent welds, all SS, fit and finish were first rate. Loud as as anything, as Chris from Speed of Science posts in exhaust voulme its definite 9.5/10
I hope to get some pics up soon on my new website, stay posted.

1992 NSX #00015 w/Mod's
1993 Integra Turbo/DFI 550 hp (just sold)
1992 Civic 4 dr 300 hp NOS 97'98' Fastest East Coast G.G.(just sold)
1994 Delsol 350hp NOS
2000 TL w/Mod's new addition =)

"Just can't leave anything STOCK =)"

Ken Ichikawa
Newtyp Tuning
As promised, I have just posted a lengthy review of the Gruppe M exhaust in the "Product Reviews" section. And yes, the review contains a sound file.

To some of you guys with the ARC, Tiatec, or other less common exhausts: If you have the time, please post a detailed review of your exhaust. These products are simply not common enough for most of us to hear, so I think the reviews section could be a valuable resource for all.
Good idea on materials. All exhausts above are stainless-steel with the exception of the ARC Titanium and Fujitsubo Titanium exhausts.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
www.NSXClassifieds.com - The internet's only exclusive NSX Classified site!
Here is a sound clip of the ARC Ti exhaust revving that I found on some Japanese site.

<a href="http://www.nas.com/~barryb/arc_exhaust.mpeg">ARC Ti Revving</a>

I think it sounds similar to the GruppeM exhaust, but lower pitched and a little less edgy. Very nice.
Whats the best way to record exhaust notes while the car is driving?
I notice that alot of recordings have quite a bit of wind noise, which really makes it tough to make out some of the engine noise.

If I can figure out a decent way to record the noise, I will get some clips of my Supertrapp Exhaust...