F*&^ I Got hit today!!!!

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Thankfully I was not in the NSX, but I was in the TL :(.

I was stopped at a stop sign behind a few cars (I left about a car length between me and the car infront of me). Some IDIOT smashes into the back of the car and launches me about 30 ft forward. He must have been going about 35-40 MPH. Thankfully I did not hit any car infront.

The TL bumper is toast, but I think the rest of the car is fine. I will have to wait and see what the bodyshop has to say.

I feel OK. I scraped my elbow pretty bad, and I don't know if I have any whiplash just yet.

The other car was a 98 taurus. It was toasted. It even caught fire!

I can say I am very happy with how the TL held up and kept me safe.

I am pretty upset though over the entire incident. My fiance is very upset and this is the last damn thing we needed since she is still unemployed!

Honestly, I think if I was in the NSX, it would be toasted.

Man, sorry to hear that, Viper. I was riding with some buddies to the gym a few weeks ago and we got rear ended too. It was in my friend's Legend. The damage didn't look too bad, just his bumper was toast, but the insurance company ended up totaling the car.

I hope it works out ok for ya.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Like you said, sounds like Honda is continuing to make very crashworthy cars. Hope you had your headrests in the right position. Some people set them at the lowest position where they can't prevent whiplash.
I'm really glad you are (for the most part) alright.

Very Glad your NSX is alright; esp. after that getting that vandalism repaired.

Also glad also you didn't have Ronnie Coleman in the car with you at the time or the other driver would have been toast! :D
Sorry to hear that and hopefully you stay symptom free with your back and neck.

I wonder what the guy was doing that he would hit you going that fast.... asleep at the wheel, talking on the phone?
.....this is the last damn thing we needed.....still unemployed.....

Why? You do have insurance, right?
AndyVecsey said:
.....this is the last damn thing we needed.....still unemployed.....

Why? You do have insurance, right?

Yes, we have insurance. I am not sure if we will need to pay the $500 deducatable or what. Thanks for your concern andy.:rolleyes:

I wish people would pay better attention when they drive! I have always said Monroe has the WORST drivers I have ever seen. It was only a matter of time until one got me. I am just glad to be OK.
Having been rear ended in cars other than my NSX twice, I would recommend that you have your insurance company pay for the repair and have them collect from the responsible parties insurance company. Since you are not at fault and your company has another party to collect from, you should have no out of pocket costs and no effect on your rates. By working with your company and the repair shop of your choice, you can control the repair process. Since your company knows that it will cost them nothing, they will not try to force you into the cheapest repair possible. The other parties insurance company may be anxious to get the process started without involving your company. I got phone calls the day of the accident both times. I would not let them control the repair. Tell them that you prefer to work with your own company and that they can keep their money in the bank a little longer. Hopefully, you and the other party do not have the same company.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. You should not have to pay your deductible, and should be able to get your IC to pay the bill and then collect from the other party. Thats what us Lawyers get paid to do. ;)

What year TL?

I have an 04 and am interested to see how they hold up in a crash (but not so interested as to wish it upon myself or anyone else).
NetViper said:
Yes, we have insurance. I am not sure if we will need to pay the $500 deducatable or what. Thanks for your concern andy.:rolleyes:

I wish people would pay better attention when they drive! I have always said Monroe has the WORST drivers I have ever seen. It was only a matter of time until one got me. I am just glad to be OK.

Shouldn't the insurance company of the guy that hit you (and I assume at fault) pay for everything? And then tack on a big premium increase for that guy.
I called the insurance and I don't think we will pay the deductable. That is good news.

The car is a 04 TL. I am very pleased to say it help up VERY well. You should have seen the tauras. It looked like it hit a brick wall.
NetViper said:
I called the insurance and I don't think we will pay the deductable. That is good news.
Sorry to hear about the accident, hopefully you're okay. Your insurance should cover everything, then subrogate the claim against the other party. Good luck!
92NSX said:
Bummer about the wreck dude. Hopefully you won't have any whiplash or anything like that. I know sometimes it takes a while before it shows up.:(

My neck feels pretty bad right now. Hopefully it will be better in a week when I get married.

Stupid ass monroe drivers. Man this pisses me off.:mad:
NetViper said:
My neck feels pretty bad right now. Hopefully it will be better in a week when I get married.
I have bad news for you... after next week that pain in the neck will be there for the rest of your life!! :D j/k! Congrats and hope your wedding goes smoothly.
NetViper - don't be in a hurry to settle with the other guy's insurance until you've properly assessed what physical therapy you might need. My sister is going through the same thing, but with a hurt back, and the insurance company is very eager to settle with her and get out from under the liability of longer term care.

It's probably not a bad idea to talk to a lawyer friend...

On the plus side, maybe you can save a little $$$ by not renting a bowtie and wearing a neck collar instead! :D