Exotics@RTC Bugatti and LFA day Memorial weekend

3 April 2007
Woodinville, Wa
Hi Everyone,
Once again it will be Bugatti and Lexus LFA Day at Exotics at Redmond Town Center. We will again have a new Veyron Grand Sport making a very rare appearance along with the rare Lexus LFA. This LFA is the famous yellow car which is the very car seen in most of the magazines and other media around the world. Remember Paris Hilton getting an LFA? This is the car in that footage...(for you closet Paris Hilton fans.)

Both of these cars are very special and how often will you ever get to see Grand Sport in the wild??? The car will be again driven by F1 driver Butch Leitzinger.

We will also have a few very rare classics joining us along with two or more vintage Bugattis. We are also working last minute on one very special surprise and we're still not sure we will get it and may not know until the day of the show. It's that tight.

Like last year, we will be filling the center of Redmond Town Center and you will enter E@RTC just as you normally would and we will direct you around to the lot. We will fill it with a cross section of cars, but try and make it cars that have more show quality for photos. The other lots have become equally popular so we will have room for everyone with very strong spectator participation. We expect to see more than 200 cars this Saturday so this is a Saturday you don't want to miss!

Don't forget that the next day, Sunday, May 27 we have the annual Ste. Michelle event and you don't want to miss that either. Details can be found on another thread on this forum.

For those of you driving a long way, we also have a rate code of L9Z for a $99 dollar a night rate at the Redmond Town Center Marriott if you want to make a weekend of cars and fun!
Are we going to have a good showing of NSX's? Due to the way cars are lined up through the center of the Mall earlier arrival is best as it will be a traffic jam as the morning rolls on.

Anyone up to meeting between 7:30 and 7:45AM on Saturday morning at the same Overlake Starbucks north of Sears just east of 148th? Then going enmass to Exotics on 520. That was fantastic hearing everyone's cars as we drove down to Redmond Town Center.
Looks like the weather is going to cooperate for the weekend only. I'll go next weekend if it's nice. Will be in CA this weekend.
Please be there in a group between 8-8:30 that way I can park you in center square. This event is going to have over 200 cars. I can only put 70 in center square. The rest will be where you all parked last week. This will be the coolest event this year so far.:biggrin:
Two of us are meeting at the Overlake Starbucks between 7:30 & 7:45AM - anyone else?

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