Exotics invade the Woodward dream cruise

8 May 2002
In a Iglo
The cruise is an event that attracts 2 million people. It takes place on this strip called Woodward Ave it is 5 lanes wide and spans 10 citys. It's suppose to be for classic domestic cars, but the last few years the imports have been showing up. Most of the cruisers hate the imports, (Welcome to Detroit) so much so they boo you when you drive by. They even tell you not to drive in the right 2 lanes as that is for the older cars. People have score cards from 1 to 10, and hold them up when you drive by. The kids love the exotics, while there grandparents boo us and give us the thumb's down.
This year we invited a few buddy's from the Players Run to help us invade the cruise, people flew in from Cali, Flordia, DC, and MD. One guy even drove his sl 500 from Toronto. Everyone was told not to bring there cars as our host had enough to go around.
Hosting the event was a big time plastic sergon, from Michigan.
We will just call him Doc, and his fiance, Amg girl, they had a killer mansion in a verry exclusive gated comunity that they let everyone stay at.



We got to the Doc's house and there were all his cars lined up, what a collection it was. They have a orange Gallardo, a green Murci, a bk SL 55 AMG with 20" black HREs, a Black Bentley T-24 (one of 24 in the world), and a ML 55 AMG. To our surprise, they allowed us to drive all of their fine automobiles during the time that we were there.







Nick's car

My car


Amg girl, suggests that we go cruising and calls up a few of her car buddies. A couple cars show up at the house including a 600hp powered Supra and a 800hp Camaro.
We drove around some of the local streets, until we all hit a trafic light.
The road was four lanes wide, so we lighed up the Murci, sl55, Galardo and my NSX. The light turned green and off we went, The 2 Lambo,s and SL were gone by the time I hit 2nd gear. As the Lambo started pulling on the SL, I heard this loud rumbling exhaust sound and this yellow blur shoot by me shoothing flames out of the tail pipes. The 800hp Camaro had come from 2 rows back and blew by me as if I was going backwards. It cought the Lambos and blew by them as well. The Camaro's lights just disappeared in front of me, A half of mile up the road we see cop lights. Then we see the Camaro being pulled over. We had only been on the road for 5 minutes and we already had trouble with the police!

We waited for the Camaro were the local imports meet up every Friday night, it had rained early that night so there were not that many people there.
The Camaro showed up a 15 minnutes later, he got off as the cop could not tell how fast he was going.
The Camaro had a super charger that he said was putting down 946hp to the wheels.

The turn out was week so we decided to check out Woodward, we jumped on the highway followed by 15 other imports.
We came across a few super bikes that want to race us, they proved to be NO compition for the Lambo's, at high speeds.

There were a few cars on Woodward but the police closed down the cruising at 10pm. One of the guy's in the Murci. blocks this one intersection to so he can find directions as we got split up.. A cop rolls up and asks him for license and registration. Not wanting to get a ticket I take off, he ends up geting a ticket for blocking a intersection, and the cop takes his license away because his is from out of state.

Saturday cruise time.
We had too many cars, and not enough drivers to go around.
So i decided to leave my Nsx and take a ride in the Murci. :eek:
We jump on Woodward and find all four lanes are clear, so everyone punches it. 2 block's later we see a police blazer chasing us down, dam we just got here! He pulls over the leed lead foot, that just happens to be Amg girl in her orange Galardo. She wants to get a vanity plate that reads GIRLARDO, but the Doc won't go for it as he wants to drive it and not get funny looks.
IMO.With a car like that I don't think anyone is going to be looking at the plate.





We all follow her into the parking lot with all the cars, ofcorse all the spectators had to see what was going on as well.
I jumped out and started filming as did 2 other guy's, the cop didn't know what to think with all the camers, exotic cars, and the 40 or so people that were standing next to him watching the event unfold.
We started interviewing him as he was asking for her drivers lic.
Wich she didn't have......... :eek:
The cop said you don't have a drivers lic.? and your driving a car that cost more than my house?..........
He looks at the passenger and asks do you have a drivers lic.?.......
No I don't. The cop looks at one of the other guy's and says do you have a one?........
He replies....I don't have one.
Does anyone, that has a legal drivers lic, want to drive this car? About 10 people that were standing there all yell out, let me drive it.
We found some one that had a valid lic. so he drove the car, and the cop let all of us go.
The cop said to me as I am filming him, what are you guy's filming for Americas Most Wanted?

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Murci or Gallardo?

Brian, I assume you got a chance behind the whell of the Gallardo too? If so, which one do you like better, and why?
I didn't really get to drive the Gallardo much, but I was a passenger when we were hitting some high speeds.
The two cars are like night and day, the Murci. is big and has allot of blind spots. The doors are way cool, as are the air vents that pop up.
The Gallardo is nimble, you can see out if allot better.
Its a great track car, but i don't like the doors because they open like a normal car. If its a Lambo, it needs Lambo doors.
The rear end is weak, but you should see the the exhaust at night. It fires blue flaming balls when you let off the gas. The exhaust note on the Gallardo is awsome when you hit the gas, and quite at idle.

If I wanted a track and city car, it would be the Gallardo.
If you wanted a show and go highway car, it would be the Murci.
I saw you!!!!!!!!!

I saw the Lime Murci and the Orange Gallardo in Birmingham by Boarders. The Murci was driving around with the doors up. I also saw the Bently right in front of them. I noticed the SL when I went back and looked at the photos...

pics here
It only took us 20 minnutes to start getting booed by the diehard hot roder's.
There were 60 year old men yelling at us your car sucks. But the kids were going nut's, some were running to the car holding the score cards that said perfect 10. and having there parents take pics with them standing next to the car.
It was bumper to bumper trafic as far as the eye could see in both directions, we were moving a few inches every 5 minnutes.
It didn't take us long to get bored, so we began to entertain the crowds that were along the side of the road. We started to doing fire drills at the green light's. The light would turn green, we would get out of the car's and jump in the next car. All the cars behind us would start beeping at us, as if they were going anywere. :rolleyes: By the light would change there would only be enough room for one car to pull through the intersection.
We were going so slow I got out and started pushing the Murci, people started laughing and taking pics, a few kids came running up to help us as they thought we needed a push start.
At one point we shut the engine off in the Murci. and sat in the car with the doors up. using our hands to push the car forward.
It looked like we were padeling out on our surf board.
I looked over and saw a neon next to us, the guy starts freakin out.
Dude hold on.........hold on........ he stops his car and opens his door, it had lambo doors on it. He gets out and takes a pic with both cars.
Amg girl pulls up next to us in the Gallardo and ask's, do you think they make Lambo doors for this car.

We all stoped at a light and switched cars, some how one of the drivers got locked in the trunk of the Bentley. It took us four light changes to figure out that no one was driving it, and it was blocking trafic with someone stuck in the trunk.


We had all 5 lanes blocked with the cars, so one of the drivers takes the Gallardo and does a slow 2 mph, 360 in the middle of the intersection.
In front of a huge group of people, and about 5 police officers.
The Gallardo is not know for its sharp turning radius, as the driver cliped the curb you could hear the people go ooooh. Except the cop's they started laughing at him, and taking pic's.
It was total chaos, but most of the crowds loved us.





Our hostess.......I know what your thinking........now be nice, as she does post here.

Our host
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It was great to see all the different cars there, I saw the Batmobile, a red Enzo, A few new GT40's, so many muscle cars I thought I was the only one not doing steriods. :D The cruise was allot of fun, the only down side was the exhaust fumes from all those old cars. They say they don't make them like that anymore, now I know why. Its better to sit on the side of the road and watch this event roll by than it is to be apart of it, the problem with driving the cruise is you tend to see the same cars. There is no place to go, one of the cars started smoking so bad, It gave me flashbacks of my BBSC when it blew up. :eek:
At one point the smokey car was stoped for about 5 minnutes, until the crowd started chanting... SHUT IT OFF!.....SHUT IT OFF!

We had been there four 5 hours and only gone 6 miles, so we decided to call it a day.
We went back to the Doc's office, to get some free Cologen and Botox ingections :eek:
The Cologen looked painful as hell, 8 shots to the upper lip... yikes.
I opted for the Botox, as the implants would take to long to install. ;)
I got a couple of shots to the fore head, I didn't notice any difference but my wife did when I walked in.
What happened to you?
When I told her she allmost killed me, why didn't you take me with you!
I was thinking..........because I have to save my money for the Factor X 500.

The Doc was telling us about his Bentley, he had a white one and had all kinds of problems with it. The motor would just quit while you were driving it, the dealer could not figure it out. the car was in the shop 10 different times.
He called Bentley and complained about it, they sent someone out to look at it and they could not figure it out.
Bentley ended up giving him a new car and taking his old one (5 months old) back.
2 weeks later he had the same problem's with the new car, the gas gauge would show 1/2 full, and the motor would just quit.
The new car was in the shop for weeks, they finaly figured out the the fuel line was kinked, and it came that way from the factory.
The Doc was not happy and gave them a pice of his mind about what a pos the car is.
The next week the dealer sent him a letter, asking him not to come back to there dealership, and the nearest dealer that could help him was in Chicago.
The Doc decided to dump the Bentley and pick up the Mybach insted, as there are ton's of Benz's dealers that he could get it fixed at.
We were close to the Dealership so we thought it would be funny to stop by and take a few pic's. I forgot to tell the Doc the driver was a pro drifter and we had the Olympic spirt. lol




Inside of the Gallardo, with the Detroit Tigers orange and blue.


AMG girl and her AMG, with 20 inch HRE's


Our host, looking very daper.

Thanks a million to The Doc and AMG girl, for the great weekend. :cool:
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Very entertaining stuff! Kudos to the host and hostess, who obviously don't think of their car stable as museum pieces. Rather, enjoy them for what they are, and also fulfill some joy out of sharing them with freinds like yourself.

Now, just make sure you get Doc to go to the CGI event and bring a Lambo! :D

This post, along with the Players Run thread has served as great reading. Okay boys and girls, user reputation votes (pro or con) are in order. ;)
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Dang it Bryan! You get to have tooo much fun.
Sounds like a nice time was had by all.
Nice that they actually share their cars.....I have to come up there next time you go. :)