Exotic Cars & Coffee in the DC Area?

Not going to be able to make it this weekend. Great pictures! Looks like it was a super showing.

Spyder is washed and ready to go for tomorrow!





Didn't see anyone with an NSX there this time :/
Planning on showing up tomorrow, er today
"I heard if you polish the Spyder enough, it turns into an NSX" -Jay
Haha, it was nice meeting you man. Thanks for letting me see how heavy the clutch was. Man, I sure hope the stock clutch isn't as heavy!
Ran into Jay and Joe on Friday night at my friend's video shoot and partied it up Tokyo Drift style lol:

No Cars & Coffee for me this week...
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Yeah, I've known him for the past 7 years
That was such a weird night. Dumpster crashing, Bike cops, a random shop and I think I have a stalker. This was definately one of those "you had to be there" or "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" moments. Joe and I seem to have the most RANDOM things happen when we hang out.
you guys are having to mcuh funn. Man i guess i better get my car ready so i can see join you guys.

Hope everyon had a nice weekend and ready for crapy work week dam rain.
he doesn;t need 4 hrs to drive he;s got NSX i use to work @ VA Beach it take about 1h40min so doesn;t need more then 1hr. once i made it back in 1h20min but that on my bike..lol

c ya

Well, that's your choice - the rest of us prefer to keep our licenses as well as any security clearances we hold with the Government. I'll pass on the "speedracer" option and obey the law.
The crowd was a bit sparser than usual today but always a nice collection of cars. Hope to see some other NSXers next time around.
