Exclusive Video Animation: 2009 Acura NSX

Thanks for posting..at least it is creating hype and speculation of the new upcoming NSX. It is a good marketing ploy to create awareness and get the name out there again.
apapada said:
This is not the NSX replacement. It's the other car I've mentioned before back in 2003 (timing is now off by 2-3 years).

Are you talking about the car or the picture, because the picture is the new Civic Type-R.
What's to worry we already have the REAL NSX.
I was in San Francisco for dinner at the house of prime rib last night and when they brought my NSX out to me you should have seen the crowd it produced. My wife could not believe the cheering an whooping it created. After all it’s just a CAR right?

Accord-R said:
Are you talking about the car or the picture, because the picture is the new Civic Type-R.

I'm talking about the car mentioned in edmund's article. They are confusing the specs of the NSX replacement with the looks of the other car I've mentioned before (maybe Prelude replacement?)
I can't accept this as an *exotic* car. It looks like a typical smoothed out coupe. Front engine? No manual? This is no NSX. This could look more like the next generation TL in coupe form.
Accord-R said:
So you don't like the new Civic Type-R?

Accord-R said:
Are you talking about the car or the picture, because the picture is the new Civic Type-R.

Accord-R said:
So you think the prelude will look the like the Euro Ciic Type-R shown here:

The thread originated talking about the NSX replacement article from Edmunds. I think that's what the topic was for the thread....not the Civic Type-R!!! :frown:
Accord-R said:
So you think the prelude will look the like the Euro Ciic Type-R shown here:

No ! what's wrong with you ? :mad: Forget about the Civic.

The one I've mentioned is the internally-to-Honda known as "XGA".

The next Honda halo car (NSX replacement) is NOT the one in the Edmund's article. But it refers to its specs.
i saw the hsc in detroit a few years ago.... thing looks sweet.... way better than in pics (just like the nsx)..... just slap the V10 in it right now and gimme. if you don't f around i'll give you good pizza.
Firstly i hate shockwave videos... stutter, buffer, stuffer, buffer, stutter... can't save it. :mad:

Secondly.... Honda - what are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? This is not an NSX replacement, it's a new productline. And I personally wouldn't consider this 'exotic'. This is a social experiment of how Honda would make an Aston Martin.

The HSC was 90% the way there... give it an integrated spoiler, a stallion V10 engine, a reasonable pricetag and you'd have a killer replacement.

One thing Honda should have concentrated on with the HSC is while we all love the NSX's beautiful stock look, its real beauty is in the customizations. And that's something that Porsche/Ferrari/Lambo/Aston owners dont dare do - mod their cars (the exception being in Japan of course :p ). The HSC could have been a true 'bling exotic' like the NSX is today.

btw, nice find <B>Timpo</B>. Thanks for sharing.
Ugg what an ugly car. The HSC, with a few subtle changes, could have been the next NSX. Not this POS. Looks like I'll have to buy a current gen NSX some years later for my supercar experience.
apapada said:
No ! what's wrong with you ? :mad: Forget about the Civic.

The one I've mentioned is the internally-to-Honda known as "XGA".

The next Honda halo car (NSX replacement) is NOT the one in the Edmund's article. But it refers to its specs.

What's wrong? The "Video Animation" you are all looking at was based on an Artists Interpretation from a source he had, that so called source described the Civic Type-R to him. That's what the picture in the animation is, IT IS NOT ANY INCLINATION TOWARDS THE NEXT NSX.