Ever dreamed of making all lawyers go away?

How could I resist your well thought out arguments, counselor?

Liked, commented, and shared. Maybe some of my friends will add likes as well.
Okay, so I promise this is my final bump of this thread. Only 3 more days of voting until the contest ends. Still in first place and looking to squeeze out a few more votes and comments from those who haven't done so yet. Please click on the photo to open it, like it and include a short comment since each person is allowed to both like and comment and that would give me two more points per person. If you have already liked it, you can still post a comment but only one comment person will count in the contest. Thanks for all the support so far!


Thanks to all the support of our small but loyal community, my photo entry won the local acura dealer's contest and first prize is a $2000 gift card to be used to go the Bahamas. As promised, in my absence there will be a forum free for all since I won't be moderating any posts.......

Sincerely, thank you!

The winning photo:

Congrats bob, just what you needed. Another vacation! These things are notoriously hard to win too with all the vote bots running amuck.
And, he's taking all of those that were able to vote for him more than once!!!!!
Woohoo. Way to go Bob.

Can you rename the "Off Topic" to the "Gladiator" forum. It will be awesome to have a survival of the fittest forum.
I could throw a ton of jabs at all this...but knowing how much stuff you do for others without any hesitation, your ceaseless pursuit of justice for those around you...have a well deserved vacation....but we want pics....bathing suit and all:very_drunk:
Congrats Bob! Have a cold one for your campaigners! :smile:
Congratulations, Bob! Based on the comments I have seen, you deserve every bit of that prize. I hope you have a great vacation and find at least one NSX to be photographed with.
By a "cold one", if you know Bob, that's a "diet Pepsi"!!!

Bob will be ...."wasting away again in virgin Margarita ville"
Really cool Bob!

Have a terrific trip!