est fest caravan planawhama

I was not aware of the Bing plan:). I know we have a few folks traveling from the Albany Area, wondering if we should plan lunch a little further North??



Binghamton is a little close for lunch. That would be less than third of the trip so we should shoot for something further up.
Anybody ever eat at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Syracuse?? It's right off the interstate in downtown Syracuse. Location is 246 Willow Street. Prices are Good like the food. Give me a time and we will meet you guys there, if you like.:biggrin: It wouldn't be so crowded if the time was around 1:00 PM or after
Bob, Larry,
if you are leaving the Goshen area around 10am I think Syracuse would be about 3 hrs away. I would be passing thru Binghamton about the same time you do, (approx 2 hrs?)

I see no rest stops near Binghamton, so I could call you when I get past the point where Rt17/I-86 enters I-81 and wait for your caravan assuming I get to Binghamton before you do... Assuming that is the direction of your travel...:smile:
So what's going on everyone?

I was planning to leave late Thursday night when I'm done work at around 2am or so. Maybe take a nap and leave around 5am and beat some of that New York traffic. But I'd rather drive up with some people.

Sorry I haven't been really following the threads on this because I've been a little busy.


PS. Larry I pm you
Anybody ever eat at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Syracuse?? It's right off the interstate in downtown Syracuse. Location is 246 Willow Street. Prices are Good like the food. Give me a time and we will meet you guys there, if you like.:biggrin: It wouldn't be so crowded if the time was around 1:00 PM or after

mmm....... Barbaque Madness:D:D Sounds OK to me. I am thinking this is a good idea, since everyone coming from the East could meet there. For the South NJ and PA folks, they can shoot up 81 and that would work too.

The big question is can everybody deal with an entire day of Barbaque:)?? It will be like NSXPO2002 in Texas:D:D:D. Remember we are having BBQ for dinner in CA.

But then again, Canadian Barbaque?? Not sure what that is!!!!!!!:D

But then again, Canadian Barbaque?? Not sure what that is!!!!!!!:D


Larry it is a combo of soylent green and americans:eek:
But then again, Canadian Barbaque?? Not sure what that is!!!!!!!:D


Larry it is a combo of soylent green and americans:eek:[/QUOTE]
Full sized or "compact"???:biggrin:
Larry et Al,

That sounds like a good plan, catching up to you in Goshen. We can meet behind the Goshen Burger King off exit 124 on HWY 17. There is a large parking lot there and easy to get back on the Highway.

Tim and Simon you still need to PM me if you or anyone else wants to meet at my house at 9:00 AM. Depending on weather we can go either way; 6/17 or Tappanzee to 17 to meet up with Larry and Bob.

Dino BBQ I have heard is great! I'm sure it is different than the Canadian BBQ planned that evening so I can't see a conflict. Plus can you really have too much BBQ, unless you are vegiterian? Could be a better rendevous point to hook up with more people as well.


Hi Guys,

I was able to speak to a few folks that were not on this post and have read all of this thread. In speaking with Ron, Syracuse is about 1.5 hours from our destination in Canada.

I will attempt to put a stake in the ground:).

We will meet in Syracuse at 1:00pm at the Dinasour BBQ at 246 Willow Street. Have a nice lunch, and our destination in Canada is about 1.5 hours from there. We will arrive in plenty of time to relax, and we can enjoy lunch.


PA and South Jersey folks can take 81 North
Westchester and NYC Folks can take 6/17 to 81 North
Albany folks can go 87 North to 90

For the 6/17/81 Route folks, I was planning as above for a Goshen meeting as Tytus suggested. I am thinking we should try for 9:45am in Goshen.



Simon, Tim and I will meet you at Goshen. They are planning on arriving by 8:45 AM. That should get us to Goshen BK by 9:45 AM. I will call you if we are running any later than that.

Anyone else can meet us at my house or Goshen if it's easier, but let us know if we are to expect anyone else.


Just making sure that any of our southern friends who are crossing the border at Detroit or Niagara, and coming through Toronto, know that we are planning a caravan from the east side of Toronto at 1:30 on Friday.

Details HERE
I spoke with Larry about catching up with some others in the Albany area and heading out to meet in Syracuse. Anyone going from Con/Mass as well? Probably leave Albany around 11 to meet in Syracuse at 1. Any takers?

If you're coming to Est Fest with an iPhone, I would turn roaming off.

I got NAILED when I took my phone to Bahamas. 3.5MB of data, basically nothing, over the week and the bill was $1700 for the data alone.

It is very expensive for Americans who travel to Canada with their iPhones, too, just as it is expensive for CDNs who roam in the US with iPhones.

If you've got an iPhone, I HIGHLY recommend you turn roaming off when you hit the border.

If you're coming to Est Fest with an iPhone, I would turn roaming off.

I got NAILED when I took my phone to Bahamas. 3.5MB of data, basically nothing, over the week and the bill was $1700 for the data alone.

It is very expensive for Americans who travel to Canada with their iPhones, too, just as it is expensive for CDNs who roam in the US with iPhones.

If you've got an iPhone, I HIGHLY recommend you turn roaming off when you hit the border.

Hmm really? Do I just go to settings and change it?
Everyone have a GREAT time in the North Country with our Canadian Brewmeisters :rolleyes:
The rest of us poor saps will be here working :mad:
Have a fantastic and safe drive up and remember Radar Detectors are VERRRY Illegal in Canada (yes Bob as compared to just illegal)

See you all at the next event :cool:
you can either put it in airplane mode or if you go into settings, network, turn roaming off.

Airplane will kill the phone too and roaming will just stop the data. You guys can use mine if needed. Voice isnt expensive. Its the data that kills you.
Like Alan us working stiffs will have to live via pics and your blogs.I also want at least one pic of Red holding a I AM ID 10 T sign!:biggrin:
you can either put it in airplane mode or if you go into settings, network, turn roaming off.

Airplane will kill the phone too and roaming will just stop the data. You guys can use mine if needed. Voice isnt expensive. Its the data that kills you.

Actually my roaming has always been off. I'll be fine then to text, chat, check e-mail and check wi fi?
