est fest caravan planawhama

3 October 2002
any divine insights from y'all??!!
lookn' for any early am departure
friday morn.
possible meetup in binghamton??

esp interested in what philly folks

will be doin, as they will slide by
my neckowoods....

also wondern' if peeps are in beeline mode
or sightseeing on our northward venture.:biggrin:

How about people from the city. I will be on Long Island visiting my brother-in-law and plan on driving up Friday. I could hook up with you all in Binghamton but wondering about going in a caravan with the city boys. Hey Mike, Are you going?
I will be leaving from Westchester county, in Hartsdale on Friday and can drive up with anyone if they want to swing by via the Tapanzee. We could meet at my house near 287 and the Sprain Brook Parkway. Or...We could cross the Hudson at the Bear Mountain Bridge if anyone is interested in some twisties along the way. Maybe even Storm King Highway (218) to Cornwall if we have the time. Let me know.

I am in the Bronx, right over the Throgs Neck Bridge b/w long Island and Westchester. So we should definitely meet up.
Thinking ahead for the caravan coming back. I am curious to find out if everyone is coming back on Sunday or Monday? I was planning on leaving Monday but that can change.
I will be returning on Monday.
depart afternoon sunday for me...:frown:
Sounds good.
ronnie & ginnie have expressed an interest in visiting boldt casle on friday....
i do not know the implications towards a suspected trip at est fest on saturday.
anyone wanna join us friday, or suggest otherwise??

this would still mean early am departe'...:biggrin:

larry b, et here??
please post asap...
philly boys patrico & sduffass....yo....
chime in puleeze.
Boldt Castle on Friday is not happening for me. What time are you planning on reaching Binghamton next Friday. Maybe we can meet up with you if not too too early.

I am planning on leaving from Orange County NY some time Friday morning, not sure exactly when yet. The basic plan is an easy drive, stop for lunch, arrive for BBQ Friday late afternoon.

Larry's plan is kinda what I was thinking. My cell is 734-355-5108 if someone wants to hook up for the drive.
Sounds like everyone has similar plans so here is the "official" tentitive plan for drivers coming from the greater NYC area. Everyone is welcome to join us along the way. :)

We (Tytus, Tim, Simon) will meet at Tytus' house at Westchester at 9am. We can take the Tapanzee bridge and cruise up Rt 17 to Binghamton. This is the way my wife used to take when she attended Binghamton University.

We should be arriving Binghamton at 12PM for lunch. Recommended restaurant choice:
The Lost Dog Café
222 Water Street
Binghamton, New York 13901
Tel (607) 771-6063

Again, everyone is welcome to join us along the way.

Sounds like a plan. PM me for the address to my house if you are up for the cruise. If the weather is good we could go via the Bear Mtn bridge and route 6 to 17. Lots more fun than the Tappanzee. We can make that a group decision at the last minute. It's a shorter route but about a wash time wise; maybe 5 minutes longer if you go slow (the limit).

See ya guys at 9:00 AM.

Keep on the trouper alert on rt 17 to binghy!
I just got into Albany, drove from MI. Speed traps were in the construction zones, almost went deaf from my Valentine going off. Counted 8 from Pa to Albany, one quick Ka beep near Corning and then I look in the mirror and far back, I see his lights against the sky, trailed me for a mile and then blew by me, Lots of revenue collection
If you guys are doing the 6-17 route. Bob is also coming from Westchester and he is picking me up. It is a short drive from 6/17 to me, or we can meet up on 17 in Goshen. I know Stephen was coming up from PA and jalnjr is coing from down south. Tiago was also planning to come up this way, Friday morning.

It sounds like meeting up on 17 in Goshen around !0:00am would coordinate with you guys leaving at 9:00am. Thoughts??

I was not aware of the Bing plan:). I know we have a few folks traveling from the Albany Area, wondering if we should plan lunch a little further North??

