"Erk" sound when feathering the clutch

19 November 2002
Redmond, WA, USA
Sometimes, when I feather the clutch from a stop, I hear a sound that's best described as "erk", kind of like that sound we made as kids when we were making the sound of a car laying rubber. There's no laying of rubber, though.

Is this my clutch wearing out and starting to slip, maybe?
Miine does that at times too. Usually when its cold out and/or before the car begins to warm up. My clutch has about 25k mi on it & I'm reasonably easy on it. I haven't noticed any slip.

So, I'm curious as to what others have to say.

'96 NSX-T, red/tan
Check to see if the clutch pedal is lacking lubricant.

The noise on mine lasts something like 1/4 to 1/2 second in the rare cases it does occur. Once the car is warmed up, the noise does not occur. Your diagnosis makes sense in that it comes from behind me. I haven't worried about it because it happens so infrequently. My guess had been it might be the clutch plate or pressure plate when its cold.

If its end play, is this a situation where it can cause severe wear if left as is?


The clutch pedal is well lubed, I recently pressure bled the hydraulic fluid and pedal action is very smooth, pedal height and travel are fine, etc.


Didn't mean to steal your thread, but.. does yours act like mine in that it only occurs before the car is warmed up?

'96 NSX-T, red/tan

Hmm, I'm not *totally* sure, but I think you're right. I think it's only in the first few minutes I'm driving.

I'm not sure how long it would last if I didn't quickly respond to it by letting the clutch engage fully. I do that because, if the clutch is slipping, I don't want to let it grind off any more of the surface. If I let it keep feathering, I think it might keep going.

I'm not sure where my noise comes from. It's definitely not inside the cockpit. I'm sure everyone around me can hear it, just as if I had laid a little rubber. Next time it happens, I'll pay more attention to direction.
My truck has been making that noise now for atleast 3-4 years with no change in anything. It too only makes it occasionally and only when it's cold like when first taking off after it's sat over night.