Engine noise upon startup/shutdown?

4 August 2003
The Netherlands
Hello, I have this question in general since it is not about an NSX engine but my Accord type R. My car is making a "shaking "noise when I start the engine or shut it down; not every time but about 30% of the time and it is only for an instance...when starting it up it settles into a normal idle. The noise then seems to be coming from the dash.The car is running fine and vtec also is OK; I do not notice any powerloss. The reason I get a bit nervous is because it started doing so last week after I misshifted once (into second instead of fourth) for a very short time (clutch didn't go fully up) and revs did go higher than normal...
I checked the engine mounts and they seem to be fine. Could a bend valve be causing a noise only during startup/shutdown?

BTW: I drove the car home from Germany (to Holland) without any problem besides the mysterious noise.
The car is going to the dealer next Saturday to inspect but I would appreciate some feedback on what to look for.

Well, for those interested (not too many apparantly).... I went to the dealer this morning. The noise that I described was coming from a fuel regulator (or something) that is normally fitted to the firewall. It had come loose and was hanging by its rubber hoses and sometimes hit the firewall, hence the noise.
Phew. I'm very pleased that it's nothing serious!