Engine Mounts Torque sequence?

5 September 2007
Edmonton, AB, CANADA
Service manual states that the engine mounts need to be torqued in sequence in order to minimize vibration.
I just did my timing belt, and therefore needed to remove the right and left engine mounts in order to tip the engine.

Page 5-29 of the 1991-1994 service manual states to torque in sequence shown below. But there is no actual sequence shown. Just the actual torque specs.
Anyone know the order of sequence the service manual is referring to?

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I was equally confused when I did my clutch last summer in my '96. The best info I found was in section 5, engine removal/installation, of the '95 manual. For compensating for the mounts aging & the engine being tilted during belt installation, it probably makes sense to loosen the through-bolts on all 4 mounts slightly, then tighten in this sequence (starting on page 5-12 of the '95 manual). My comments in [ ]'s for the front and rear mounts, for which you would loosen the through bolts only.

1. Tighten rear mount on transmission side, through mounting bolt loose [Loosen this through mounting bolt a turn or two]
2. Tighten front mount bolts to engine, tighten through bolt. [Loosen this through mounting bolt a turn or two, then torque to 56 lb-ft]
3. (not applicable here - subframe bolts)
4. Tighten transmission mount bolts, through mounting bolt loose
5. Install side engine mount; tighten bolts to engine, then the bolt into the frame. Torque 53 lb ft to engine; 69 lb ft to frame.
6. Torque the transmission mount bolt (69 lb-ft) [finishes step 4]
7. Torque the rear engine mount bolt (56 lb ft) [finishes step 1]
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Thanks Frank,
yes, it makes sense to loosen off the through bolts and then re-torque in the order of Front, right, left rear.