Engine Check - Malfunction Indicator Lamp(MIL) troubleshooting

22 May 2002
San Diego, CA, USA
I have a '96 NSX with 40k miles. The MIL just came on and stayed on when I started it the other day. I've been trying to diagnose this myself, but the service manual doesn't help much as they expect you to know the diagnostic codes from the Service connector. I've checked for vacuum hose leaks, checked to make sure all cylinders are firing, and that there is power to the EVAP switch. Almost all of the troubleshooting procedures call for you to 'Perform the ECM reset procedure' first. I can't find that procedure anywhere in the manual. Does anybody know this procedure or have ideas on what possible causes are? Or do I just need to take it to the dealer? Also, does anyone know how to get an aftermarket device or software to connect to the Service Connector for DIY's?

Originally posted by tnstisser:
the service manual doesn't help much as they expect you to know the diagnostic codes from the Service connector.

Yes, but it's easy to pull the codes.

Originally posted by tnstisser:
Almost all of the troubleshooting procedures call for you to 'Perform the ECM reset procedure' first. I can't find that procedure anywhere in the manual. Does anybody know this procedure or have ideas on what possible causes are?

The ECU Reset Procedure consists of pulling the clock fuse while the car is turned off. It's in the service manual. Go to the Fuel & Emissions section and on the table of contents of that section, you'll find a line for "Self-Diagnostic Procedures" under the "Troubleshooting" heading. That's where you'll find the procedure.

Originally posted by tnstisser:
does anyone know how to get an aftermarket device or software to connect to the Service Connector for DIY's?

Yes. There are many manufacturers of aftermarket devices that can be used to connect the service connector to read the codes. These are sold under the name "paper clip". Take a paper clip, bend it so it fits in the two holes in the connector, and apply pressure while you are turning the ignition to pull the codes.

This is also described in the FAQ section here.
Thanks for all the great info! I'm feeling a little stupid for not being able to find the section in the service manual for resetting the ECM myself, but I haven't had to use the manual much (fortunately). I reset the ECM and the MIL no longer comes on, so I'll see if my luck holds. In any case, all your info is much appreciated and will no doubt help in the future. The internet is a wonderful thing... and this website is super!

While keN is correct that a paper clip works just fine, tool junkies like me need (NEED!) to buy the Honda part that clips into the service indicator and shorts it.
Originally posted by Soichiro:
While keN is correct that a paper clip works just fine, tool junkies like me need (NEED!) to buy the Honda part that clips into the service indicator and shorts it.

really? doubted Honda made one for nsx.... i always joke that i need that "special Acura Service Tool" a.k.a. a paper clip