So I have been working on an O2 sensor debacle that I finally got resolved this morning. Now that I have no more errors I let the car warm up real good as its been sitting (about a month due to the sensor and me being in CT). After it was good and warm I ran up the RPM just to clear out the exhaust. All was fine. I then ran it up to 7-7.5k RPM for just a few seconds and noticed the engine started buffeting sum. Almost like the rev limiter but a bit less pronounced and I could push it further. Think this is an issue?
Other notes:
1. I do have a small exhaust leak on both pipes. My adapter to an ARK exhaust I bought are not properly seated. I will be fixing that.
2. It a 2000 NSX with 48k miles.
Other notes:
1. I do have a small exhaust leak on both pipes. My adapter to an ARK exhaust I bought are not properly seated. I will be fixing that.
2. It a 2000 NSX with 48k miles.