I think another angle to look at it from is that the seller may be wary of giving away the address for exactly the reasons that Jimbo posted earlier. A non-serious buyer looking for an address and causing the seller a potentially empty garage when he got home one day. Could be a security issue. But yes, it does sound kind of strange.
Gookus, I really hope you get your car as well. I remember when I got mine, fresh out of college, it meant so much to me, and still does. A lot of people here are just trying to make sure that you're making all your decisions with full knowledge. Sometimes they don't put it necessarily in the best or nicest sounding terms, but for the most part, they mean well.
Owning this car at your age, younger than I am I'm assuming, is not cheap. It is easily several thousand dollars a year. I pay $4000 a year for insurance, albeit I have max coverage of 250/500/250. But age really is an issue. You can expect to pay at least $3000 even if you get minimal coverage.
Oil changes are not cheap, $75 a pop if done at the dealer. I decided to do my own and bought all the equipment for $90. (Jack, jack stands, catch pan, tool kit) Now each oil change costs me $40 and my time. (5 quarts Mobil One and Filter) **FactorX put in Neo race oil in so now I only have to change my oil once every 15k miles. ;P**
If your car is due for a 60k, 90k, or above service, expect to dish out an additional $600-$1000. If your car hasn't had a timing belt change in a long time, expect another $1000.
You're young, you're probably going to drive the car hard like I do. Expect to have to change the clutch once every year to year and a half. (I drive my car about 25k miles a year) Depending on the clutch you're looking at around $2000. Also, expect to replace the tires frequently.
And keep this in mind, you haven't upgraded your car a single bit yet. And you are going to want to, trust me.
I dropped $3000 just on rims. Another $2000 on the stereo system. And the damn thing just isn't fast enough yet. Engine mods aren't cheap either, as I'm sure you're well aware.
So it's all good if your parents are willing to take care of all the maintenance and upkeep of the car for you. That would be a very lucky proposition. We just want to make sure that you understand what kind of commitment you're making. Buying a car like this isn't just about the purchase. It's also about how you're going to keep it. The last thing anyone on this board wants to see is an NSX that looks trashed because someone couldn't maintain it properly.
That all said, good luck! =)
[This message has been edited by Darkcyd (edited 20 August 2002).]