eBay seller backed out


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
I need some advice from some of you eBay pros. On Friday I ended an auction for a motorcycle, and everything was fine. I talked to the seller on the phone twice after the sale, and we had made arrangements for me to pick the bike up on Sunday. I transfered the $500 deposit, and per the auction details I was to pay the balance at delivery. Then, I get home tonight (Friday, very late) and I see an e-mail from the seller that reads:
Hello Gene...I hope you get this email soon....I hate to say this, but I have had second thoughts on selling my bike. I have simply invested much time and effort into this bike to let it go at this time. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and I am sure you will find one in your area soon. Idid some checking and noticed a few bikes in your area on ebay for sale. I have sent your paypal money back to you.... Please accept my apologizes for this..There are plenty of good bikes out there. I feel confident your will find one near you soon. If you have any questions please call me late Saturday... Thanks for your understanding

Gary Hxxxx

Uhhhhh..... I'm not sure where I went wrong! :confused: :mad:

I guess the question is; eBay wise, do I have any recourse? The simple reality is, I found a decent deal on what I was looking for, payed the buy it now price, and then the buyer backs out. WTF! Shortly after we sealed the deal, I ordered $300 in accessories from a web vendor! I am sooooo pissed I can't EVEN see straight.:mad: :mad: :mad:
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That is total bull. I don't have any advise for you but stories like this reinforces my distrust of eBay. I'll bet $5 the seller found more money for the bike and is too embarrassed to admit it to you, since he probably used your offer to find a better one.:mad:

Sorry I'm not making you feel any better but this is just my hunch based on what you said is a "decent" deal and my own experience through eBay. Hopefully you won't lose any money on top of all this. Good luck.
ebay crap

I sell and buy quite a bit on ebay. You may feel like you have recourse but to contact ebay is like getting hallie berry to cut your grass, nude! All you can do is leave negative feedback. There may be something that can be done but you'l jump through hoops. I had a guy buy one of my cars on with a buy it now. Turns out he bought 91 cars buy it now in 30min!!!! I set up shipping a lost 2 others sales before i found out it was a fraud. Good luck, just blast him on feedback.
KGP, KO-NSX is right on point. The guy probably had someone else offer more $$$'s behind the scene. That is the thing with ebay. Sellers pull out, buyers pull out. In some cases it's just cheap advertising, Hell at least he returned your deposit!!!
Consider yourself lucky he wasn't a scammer. I have found a bike in Frisco that is a screaming deal (Not Ebay) I too am on pins and needles about the sale. I think from here on out I will start looking for sales assistance in those states. Hey I just got an Idea for an ebay related business. I have franchise rights.
KGP - leave the neg feedback, and go through ebay's non-seller steps. Try to find another.
len3.8 said:
That is the thing with ebay. Sellers pull out, buyers pull out. In some cases it's just cheap advertising, Hell at least he returned your deposit!!! Consider yourself lucky he wasn't a scammer
Im with len3.8 here. He could have pulled the ole 'its non refundable and the bike was stolen' or some crazy excuse. You also could have gotten down there and it be not as described and he refused a refund. I say you came out ahead not completing a transaction with someone who's indecisive :)
What bike are you looking for? I am in powersports industry and come across deals from time to time. Right now, I know of a fairly clean 2000 R1 in red-need new rear tire. Dealer is asking 5500.00
Re: ebay crap

Ko-nsx said:
... like getting hallie berry to cut your grass, nude!...

Actually - she is doing that right now for me! I left a lot of sprinkler heads and stuff on the lawn so she would have to pick them all up!


Great line - thanks for the laugh!


Now - what were we talking about again - oh yeh Hallie Berry.

J/K - bummer on the bike KGP - your luck is bound to change soon.

If you're going to leave negative feedback, you likely risk getting negative counter-feedback back as a result.

You have 90 days to leave feedback.

Granted it's not much you can do, I make it a habit to wait the 90 days and enter the feedback in at the zero hour, eliminating the chance (in most cases) for the other person to snap back.

Anyway, sorry you got burned, and hope all goes well!
rs250 said:
What bike are you looking for? I am in powersports industry and come across deals from time to time.
You can see the bike I thought I bought by clicking here. Not a street bike. ;)

I suppose you guys are right. Just leave some negative feedback and move on. Because the guy has a 163-0 positive rating, I would like to make the negative feedback sting. Think I should make a page on my website where I can better tell the story, and simply leave feedback that says "bad seller - details at http://xxxxx.com/xxxx"? Would make it tough to rebut my feedback, and cover his negative feedback should he give it. :D

For some reason, I have the urge to cut the grass this morning. :confused: :D
I have 3 dealers that are sell KTM and good friend in Salina sells Suzuki/Aprilia. I own 03 250exc rfs. Let me know. You can check out Wera BB www.wera.com (race org).
This seller has great feedback, I would think he would be very interested in keeping it that way. Your account doesn't have very much feedback yet, so if he gave you a negative in return you could just start up a new account.

I think a well thought out email that talked about leaving negative feedback and pointing him to this thread might cause him to reconsider. Also mentioning that you have already spent money purchasing items for the bike and that you purchased the item with "Buy it now" so that he received all of the money he thought he deserved. I would also mention that you plan on following through with pursuing this through ebay.

Just a couple of other options, I wish you the best of luck!
beeker16 said:
If you're going to leave negative feedback, you likely risk getting negative counter-feedback back as a result.

You have 90 days to leave feedback.

Granted it's not much you can do, I make it a habit to wait the 90 days and enter the feedback in at the zero hour, eliminating the chance (in most cases) for the other person to snap back.

Anyway, sorry you got burned, and hope all goes well!

This is the BS part of ebays feedback system. If someone buyer/seller has a legitimate reason to leave negative feedback they should be able to do so without fear of undue retaliation. Ebay is making enough money to police this situation. Ebay can afford to make sure the sellers/buyers that deserve negative feedback get negative feedback and the person that doesn't deserve negative feedback doesn't get it. I feel ebay couldn't care less about making their site a safe and fair market place.
BTW when I have been burned on ebay I do exactly what you recommend. I write the 90 day out date on the calendar and leave any negative feedback at the last minute. I usually get a very nasty email from the other party involved. Almost always they are pissed because they were not able to leave me negative feedback in return.
I also make it a habit to tell buyers or sellers I do business with that I do not leave feedback until they do.
IMHO ebays feedback system has serious flaws and will be a major part of their downfall.

I think if a seller pissed me off enough I would set up a separate account, bid on all their auctions, then not pay for any!
Some years back after many months of searching I had sent a deposit against an RX7 R1, bought a plane ticket, and was hours from flying to Orlando to pick it up when the guy backed out with a similar story. I was so distraught that exactly one week later I owned an NSX.

Moral of the story? Beats me, the truth is I'm still pissed and wish I owned that RX7 along with an NSX! :D
That's it I am starting an ebay purchase assistance company.
I will employ a couple of, lets say payment and collection agents.
I will also offer complete inspections...;)
coolnsx, That is what I meant by the collection agents.
They are proficient in foot2as*!
len3.8 said:
That's it I am starting an ebay purchase assistance company.
I will employ a couple of, lets say payment and collection agents.
Would their names happen to be Vitto and Guido? :D
Sorry to hear about that. Seems like ebay is getting worse and worse about those things.
I have found a bike I'm looking to get. Lucky for me it is just across my hometown and the $$ is right.