Ebay 14.1k NSX JH4NA1157MT001538

Re: Ebay 14.1k NSX

How can any of you actually even consider this to be a real deal? I always wonder how these scammers actually hook anyone, but I see it's easier than I would have believed.
Re: Ebay 14.1k NSX

This is the oldest scam in the book. Send me a deposit and I will ship the car to you. You wire them a deposit, and never see the car. They take the VIN # and pictures from a legitimate sale in the past.
Ladies and gentlemen;
please rest assured that the vehicle bearing V.I.N. JH4NA1157MT001538 is NOT the car you want to try buying. It has been and still is involved in several scams. I had a real close dealing with this one and lost a few dollars.
The situation now rests with the cyber unit of the FBI. While on eBAy, it was red and now, oddly, on Autotrader and Yahoo cars, it is silver and in New Jersey. It also made an appearance on eBay supposedly in Houston Texas.

Gee, it sure would be nice to meet the individual behind this and at least visit my money !
Oh, well, all is not lost as it strengthened my resolve to buy an NSX; it arrives
by carrier (no fraud this time !) next week. I'm 'bout as nervous and excited as when I had my first...er, beer !

If anyone can offer input on my "friend" to whom I loaned some money (yes, I will get it back) by all means, say hello.

Thanks for indulging me. I'll let you know about the first ride in my NSX.

Very best.