Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan !!!!!

Hirofumi told me that one Honda worker died when a wall felll on him at the factory we visited for Fiesta.
The Tsunami arrived in Hawaii. Not much damage on Oahu. Apparently there is more flooding on Maui.
CNN?? pure drama. It is good to get news as it happens, but please don't sensationalize it. This situation is more than bad enough for Japan.
almost word for word what i said to my wife this morning.

very sad to see what's happened in japan.
Wow...I can't believe some of the video I'm seeing.

Praying for Japan and especially for the the new friends met during NSX Fiesta.

Me too... I hope they all check in OK.
Last night I finally got around to reading the latest edition of NSXDriver with all the Fiesta coverage in it. This morning I woke up thinking about Japan. Then I turned on the news...:eek:

The NSX in my garage is mostly a weekend toy, but today I pulled off the car cover, unplugged the battery tender, and drove her to work...Until there is an opportunity to make a financial contribution to a recovery effort, this was the only way I could think of to show support for those whose lives have been suddenly shattered in Northern Japan and elsewhere.
This morn. I had that same numb feeling I had on 9/11 when I turned on the TV. I was barely awake when I saw what was going on. I was completely speechless.
My mom has a cousin who is apparently in the affected area. She cannot get through by phone obviously, so all we can do is wait and worry. :frown:
I have some family there. My sister can't get through to my grandparents in Hokkaido as the phones are down. My aunts and their families are ok.

I hope we don't lose too many NSX owners in this disaster. My thoughts go out to all the people affected by this tragedy.
I've read that a Honda employee at the Tochigi plant died when a wall collapsed and that 30 people were injured. Operations have been shut down at Tochigi and Suzuka plants.

Haven't heard from my contact at Mugen though...
They're saying on CNN that cesium has been released meaning the nuclear plant in question is really really messed up....
It's looking pretty bad for some of the nuclear plants :(. Some "expert" is saying it's already the third worst nuclear disaster in history and quickly heading toward becoming the worst.

The cesium remains harmful to humans for 600 years. People are already showing up at hospitals testing positive for exposure to radiation.
God bless Japan! The (more or less reliable) news said that it's not sure how the nuclear reactor is behaving. A melt-down already seemed to have started. Let's pray for them that it won't end in core melt accident like Chernobyl (Tschernobyl) 1986! Tschernoyl contaminated around 3 900 000 km2 of Europa. Japan is only 377 835 km2.
Looks like all of my family over there is ok. Lots of people weren't so fortunate though. I see they updated the death toll to over 10K and will likely go a lot higher as the weeks progress.

Truly saddening and it isn't over yet. They are predicting at least 1 8+ magnitude aftershock and about 9 more 7+ mag aftershocks in the coming months in addition to the nuclear disaster currently unfolding.
What would be the safest way to send money to help aid families and businesses cope with losses? Any members here aware of any process at the moment or is it too soon?

after researching charities, we used oxfam to channel our support to the indonesian tsunami victims. that seemed like a good choice @ the time because, as i recall, our donation could go specifically to support those specific efforts vs other charities that might have applied them to other projects.

here is a link to a ranking page for charities providing relief / support to the japan disaster victims.

hope this helps.
