Each gear what's the fastest you've taken it?

7 February 2004
I was just wondering for those of you that really push the car to it's limit from time to time. Someone mentioned that they took their NSX to 80mph in 2nd gear and someone else mentioned they took their car to 150mph in 4 gear.

I don't know if that is possible, is it just my car or does everybody's else NSX perfrom those speeds in 2nd and 4th gear.

My car redlines at 65mph in 2nd and I am afraid of pushing it further. I am sure I can squeeze out 70mph, but it scares me to push it past 70mph in 2nd. Let's say someone does push the NSX passed it's limits ... what could , or would happen??

Can you guys also share with us what's the maximum speed you have taken your cars in 1st , 2nd , 3rd 4th gear.

see about 1/4 way down

from the FAQ:

Stock US (5-speed): 45, 81, 114, 144, 186 (theoretical - top speed is of course drag-limited below 186)
Japanese "short" gears (5-speed): 40, 65, 90, 124, 166.
Stock US six speed: 46, 72, 99, 126, 155, 168

I believe you have a 6-speed Kenny, right? So you are a little under budget at 65, but the 80mph 5-speeders' claims are not exaggerated.

Allow me to introduce you to the NSX owner's best friend: the NSX FAQ (answers to Frequently Asked Questions). Just click on the word "FAQ" in the red bar at the top of your screen that looks like this:


If you go to the NSX FAQ, just click on Technical Info and then on Gear Ratios. You will see the maximum speed at redline in each gear for each of the gearing configurations that were used on the NSX in various years and markets.


The Gear Ratios section in the Technical Info area is geared ;) towards the description of the stock gears. The section you cited in the Performance area is more towards the description of aftermarket and non-stock options.
Forums Nazi said:
If you go to the NSX FAQ, just click on Technical and then on Gear Ratios. You will see the maximum speed at redline in each gear for each of the gearing configurations that were used on the NSX in various years and markets.
I guess now he doesn't actually have to go there based on my post above! :)
Good general advice though Kenny - the FAQ is a plethora of NSX facts & figures.
Actually my car is a 5 speed. You know what- come to think of it -- I believe it's possible to push it to 80mph in 2nd.

I think I am just scared because I think it would cause some kind of damage. I know , I know it's an NSX and it's meant to be driven hard --- but I just can't think like that. lol!
If you are not using the upper part of the rev band, you are missing out on some of the performance that the NSX offers. For maximum acceleration, take the car all the way to redline (8000 RPM on the manual transmission cars) before shifting. You can do this all day long without damaging the car, and in fact, that's exactly what many of us do on the racetrack.
KennyNsx said:
You know what- come to think of it -- I believe it's possible to push it to 80mph in 2nd.
Well, in your first post you said it red-lined at 65mph - red-line means 8000rpm; if you are at 65mph at 8000rpm then something is non-std. & you should definitely not push it up towards 80 mph which in theory would require 9846 rpm (if your 65mph red-line is accurate) Of course it will never go that high anyway, with the rev-limiter kicking in.
when I said 65mph in 2nd gear, I didn't mean to say that was at 8000rpm. I meant to say that's how fast I feel comfortable pushing the car too. The rpm is around 6000 or so at 65mph.

Thanks Scott for pointing that out. I also have an NSX owner's manual like everyone else-- and the gear ratios are displayed there as well.

I didn't want technical info, I wanted to hear real stories from NSX DRIVERS. Nsx drivers can always push the max speed per gear than what the owners manual recommends.

your friend--- --- hands on experience from NSX drivers.
KennyNsx said:
I didn't want technical info, I wanted to hear real stories from NSX DRIVERS. Nsx drivers can always push the max speed per gear than what the owners manual recommends.
This has nothing to do with what the owners manual recommends, and has nothing to do with any variable regarding drivers "pushing" their cars. The road speed the car is going when the engine is at redline is a straightforward mathematical calculation. If you have a five-speed '91 with stock gears and you are holding it in second gear at 8000 RPM, the speedometer will show 81 mph (except for slight differences due to measurement error). If you have a five-speed with the "short" gears and the 4.55 R&P, you will be going 65 mph at 8000 RPM. It's simple math.

If you've never driven your car up to redline before in any of the gears, I suggest you try it yourself. There is nothing complicated or scary in doing so, and nothing that would imply a need for "stories". As the gym shoe commercials tell you: Just do it.

Just don't overrev (don't exceed the 8000 RPM redline) and don't mis-shift (shift into a lower gear by accident instead of into a higher gear).
When the revs pass a certain point ~8000 RPM, the ECU will cut the fuel as a safety device the fuel will come back on again just slightly below 8000 RPM. If you hold the throttle, it will make a cool futuristic machinegun sound. If you want people to testify about how many times they’ve taken their car to redline then expect the longest thread in NSX Prime history. If you plan on driving around at 8000 all day (like at the track) then I’d recommend regular scheduled maintenance at intervals significantly shorter in period than recommended in the owner’s book. Otherwise, for the occasional redline charge, just make sure your engine is well maintained according to the maintenance schedule and make sure the road is clear ahead.

When Honda put a redline at 8000, you can drive it to 8000rpm. Maybe other manufacturers are different, but Honda engines are designed for it. Also if you have never gone past 6000rpm, then does that mean you have never gone into VTEC? You are missing out.
The best time I ever had was with my NSX in first gear with 3 other adults with me and a week of luggage in the trunk driving down to the 1998 Rolex 24 hours of Daytona. We put the NSX on cruise control for one stretch of I-95 at 150 mph+/- for about 30-45 minutes in first gear. We didn't get under 100 for close to 4-5 hours except to stop for gas and food. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
steveny said:
The best time I ever had was with my NSX in first gear with 3 other adults with me and a week of luggage in the trunk driving down to the 1998 Rolex 24 hours of Daytona. We put the NSX on cruise control for one stretch of I-95 at 150 mph+/- for about 30-45 minutes in first gear. We didn't get under 100 for close to 4-5 hours except to stop for gas and food. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah...I think I did that in reverse once.... :D