DVD Collection

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA
dis.ci.pline (noun): Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.

*Or my own definition: the ability to resist doing something that can be easily done.

I don't know about you but I have to discipline myself NOT to get sucked into collecting movies on DVD. It's so easy for me if I let myself. Especially when going into Wal-Mart to get necessities and I happen to pass by the audio/video department. The cheapest place I can find movies going from $9-$14. And the $5.88 movie bin? Ah, forget it. I HAVE to sift through it and eventually find movies that I would have never thought of getting before but at such a low price, why not?! But fortunately, I do have discipline. After rummaging through titles (and holding them in my hand), I would eventually leave them behind. I have to. Because I know once I start, it's no turning back.

I do have a small collection but I promise myself that they only consist of movies that I REALLY REALLY want and that they have to be titles that I am willing to watch over and over and over again. Two of the ones I'm pondering on getting next are the "Bourne Identity" and "The Count of Monte Cristo."

The reason I resist is because I have a friend that collects movies up the wazoo. He buys about 1 or 2 movies EVERY week. He's got about over 500+ in his collection--probably near 1000 now. He has so many that friends joke about his place being "Ali-wood Video" (his name is Ali) where you can just borrow from him instead of Hollywood Video. I look at them and think: Why? The logical side of me says if I want to watch any of these movies, I'll just rent them. But I do appreciate the concept of pride of ownership. Hey, I'm a movie buff same as the next guy but I'm glad I'm not obsessed.

Ah well...to each his own. :D

P.S. BTW, when will the Indiana Jones trilogy be on DVD?
BTW, when will the Indiana Jones trilogy be on DVD?

4 Disc Set worldwide release: November 4, 2003


Because I know once I start, it's no turning back.

One of my coworkers once believed it was not worth owning movies. He never bought a single VHS tape. When he first bought a PS2, he thought he would buy an ocassional DVD, but that's about it. Then I noticed he'd be getting packages with DVDs from various online retailers. Those packages started arriving with greater frequency. Before I knew it, he passed the 20, 30, 50 mark. I wouldn't be surprised if HE has more than 100 DVDs now. For all I know, he will eventually pass me!

So yes, there's no turning back.

I personally didn't collect many VHS tapes (probably had two dozen titles) and I completely avoided laserdisc, but I totally bought into DVDs as an early adopter. My collection is large, but not obscene (I haven't counted in awhile, but I know I'm well over 100, but not quite up to 200 discs). Considering I am a computer graphics artist/animator and a former student of film, I have plenty of justification for building a large collection...the ulitmate reference library for communicating with visuals. And I do tend to watch movies again and again and again (I've probably watched the original Star Wars Trilogy more than a hundred times).

Obviously my collection is heavy with big budget special effects extravaganzas and traditional and computer animated features, but I do have a diverse selection of other fare including some classics.

I own a few duplicates (ex: T2 and T2: Ultimate Edition) since some of the newer releases have been better remastered and/or feature tons of never before seen special features. And, though I originally said I wouldn't duplicate any title I already owned on VHS, I have dumped nearly all of my VHS collection (only Star Wars and Indiana Jones Trilogies remain).

With the high price of attending films these days, I'm more frequently seeing films for the very first time on DVD (for these, I'll almost always rent before I buy...I plan to sign up for Netflix later this year). For the same price my wife and I would pay to see a movie at the local multiplex, I can get a DVD filled with tons of extras that I can watch time and time again. And my THX home theater produces better sound than some of the theaters I've been to.

If anything, I'm not buying ENOUGH titles on DVD! :D

The funny thing is that many of us started collecting DVDs faster than we can watch them. I'll bet that many of my coworkers (myself included) have at least a dozen titles on our shelves that are still in their shrink wrap! :eek:
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You mention that you get a lot of your movies at Wal-Mart. I know for many people, the worst place to end up in for their "addiction" is Costco. Yikes.

I know for many people, the worst place to end up in for their "addiction" is Costco.

And don't forget Fry's Electronics or Best Buy.

Of course, my "addiction" usually starts here
I too have a friend that is DVD and VHS crazy. Almost 500 DVD's and I can't even begin to count VHS tapes. All of them are arranged alpabetically by the movies that are one them. Sick I tell you, SICK !! ;)
It's wonderful to read other people with the same "purchasing disorder". :D

I only own 33 DVD's (including GiS3 :D) and i now deliberately avoid reading mail-catalogues and visiting music stores ... the way i see it, if I keep buying DVD's, i'll never get my own NSX. (hmm.... on 2nd thoughts, i'll have to stop upgrading my PC and going out with girls then too... *argh* Such sacrifice ;) )
Akira (BTW congratulation for your upcoming 1000th post, you are 999 right now! :D) we are extremely simlar in several things (anime, videogames, ...) and of course this includes movie (I have few VHS, ignored LD... and own a TON of DVD that I started buying in early '99, two versions of T2 included for me too).

Since one week I added a DLP projector and a new progressive scan DVD player to my living room. I know that the 300 DVDs I have will be a lot more in a short time :eek:

There is no easy way out... (Rocky docet).

Photos are difficult to make in a dark room... damn autofocus... (The Two Towers)


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hmmm... if you have only 30 DVDs (as you do) it counts! :)

I do not watch DivX, I hate to see lower quality video :( (I am a little obsessed about movies... :) ). Even my Lord of the Ring 2 is on DVD with DTS sound. It is the (in)famous Academy Award Presentation copy that has been floating around the internet for a couple months...
I am the same way. I never believed in collecting VHS tapes. I don't own any... only VHS tapes I have are just things that I've recorded over the years on TV. LIKE KNIGHT RIDER! :D

When DVD's came out, I was blown away. I too was an early adopter. At first, I was buying any DVD movies that I thought were pretty cool...(at almost $50 a pop!) then it became more widespread. I started to limit my collection by buying only movies that were "DVD Quality."

That only worked for awhile... now all these new movie releases that are going for ~$19... I had to have them.

But it's time to limit myself again... I'm one of those who are behind on watching those DVD's. I have about ~20 that I haven't watched yet. They are all still shrink wrapped.

I've been doing pretty good. Last DVD I bought before this past weekend was the latest James Bond movie.

(I don't have too big of a collection though... I'm guessing less than 100 but close to it...)
1000th POST!!!!!!

Akira (BTW congratulation for your upcoming 1000th post, you are 999 right now!

Well, in that case, #1000 is my reply to you! :p

(anime, videogames, ...)

I didn't include videogames in my DVD count...but, considering that a sizeable number of PS2 titles are DVD-ROM, perhaps I should.

I forgot that I have a few anime video tapes that I haven't replaced with DVDs (Macross 2, Macross Plus) and I do have a couple of the Best Motoring International releases (the ones highlighting NSXs of course).

Since one week I added a DLP projector and a new progressive scan DVD player to my living room.

Sweet! I'm intentionally holding out upgrading my setup until HDTV becomes more widely adopted (*hopefully* I'll have a bigger home by then, because I really don't have the room that is well suited for a true home theater in my condo).

Even my Lord of the Ring 2 is on DVD with DTS sound. It is the (in)famous Academy Award Presentation copy that has been floating around the internet for a couple months...

Shame on you! (translation: wish I had a copy) The 2 DVD set will be out soon, but I'm waiting for the 4 disc one (like I did with Fellowship).

At first, I was buying any DVD movies that I thought were pretty cool...(at almost $50 a pop!) then it became more widespread. I started to limit my collection by buying only movies that were "DVD Quality."

I initially set out to only buy a) DVDs of movies I ABSOLUTELY loved and would watch time and time again and b) movies with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. That quickly grew to include movies that I just liked, but with tons of special features. And then I started picking up older films that were digitally remastered from newly struck and/or restored prints (in many cases, films that I never thought of owning before). At some point multi-disc sets became a strong incentive. I even bought a couple of DVDs because they included tickets for an upcoming sequel.

The one thing I haven't bought into are the Superbit releases.

And, since I still have a first generation Panasonic DVD player with built-in DD decoder (my THX receiver is only DD ready), I have no incentive to pick up discs that specifically support DTS. Forget about DTS-ES, DDEX, SACD, or DVD Audio.

I guess I still have a long way to go before I fully satisfy my addiction... :eek:
Superbit DVD is the best!

I have the Fifth Element in Superbit and oh the resolution!
I also have a DLP projector and even when the picture is blown up to 8 feet wide, the picture is still stunning!

Can't say the same for the non-superbit though.
I can't even comfortably get involved in this discussion.....I felt the pressure to buy just reading about it. My movie collection is obscene (someone else's description, not mine). My 1st job was working for Blockbuster for 5 yrs, then I went to enemy (*ollywood Video - you know, I wouldn't want to name names, but....). I picked up a movie or two every other shift, so......

When I finished college & moved to SoCal here, I had a choice to load my car (3 series BMW) w/ my clothes & "stuff" OR i could've brought my movies......I've got more than I've actually ever taken the time to count.......a few yrs into the job @ BBV, I remember counting 400+....it's been about 8 yrs since then & I'm into DVD's, too.....so, who's really counting anyway?

The thought of cataloging (sp?) them crossed my mind on more than one occasion, but I really never could find that kind of time, so I said screw it, they'll stay here & I can ship them out one box @ a time. And I just can't wait to have the room to do my own home theater. As it stands now, I've got an apartment that looks more like a speaker store w/ a bed & shower, than an actual apartment.


Ps- thanks (although i'm sure i'll regret seeing it later) for the link to the dvd price search..