Ask a hard question and you risk getting sued for causing mental anguish to the "victim."
I feel ZERO sympathy and I hope the driver's insurance is helping somehow to cover the costs on the "random crossing -throwing himself on incoming traffic- street guy" treatment but, COME ON MAN, this STUPID person runs over a car, like a total MENTALLY DISABLED individual and then is the OTHERS FAULT??
MY GOD, where's the personal responsibility?? I have been in more than 6 countries and lived in 3 ... and this somewhere else, specially with VIDEO proven that is his FAULT would be considered as a TOTAL act of IRRESPONSIBILITY from the guy that crossed the street like a moron.
Isn't that common sense???
OK, take the city bus (aka Deep Pockets) out of the equation and let's say his Mom dropped him off and he runs across the street without looking left and gets creamed. Who does he sue, his Mom?
I still think the driver should sue him to recover his deductible.