Dude gets off bus and runs into traffic...

I feel ZERO sympathy and I hope the driver's insurance is helping somehow to cover the costs on the "random crossing -throwing himself on incoming traffic- street guy" treatment but, COME ON MAN, this STUPID person runs over a car, like a total MENTALLY DISABLED individual and then is the OTHERS FAULT??

MY GOD, where's the personal responsibility?? I have been in more than 6 countries and lived in 3 ... and this somewhere else, specially with VIDEO proven that is his FAULT would be considered as a TOTAL act of IRRESPONSIBILITY from the guy that crossed the street like a moron.

Isn't that common sense???

If everyone made money from common sense only ~5% of the population would make anything. :wink:
Bloody disgraceful.

Unfortunately, that guy got what was coming to him.

Him and his lawyer are bloodsucking leeches and don't deserve to live amongst society.
OK, take the city bus (aka Deep Pockets) out of the equation and let's say his Mom dropped him off and he runs across the street without looking left and gets creamed. Who does he sue, his Mom?

I still think the driver should sue him to recover his deductible.

Actually, this guy probably would sue his own mom. Then his mom would turn around and sue the doctors that delivered her son and blame them for giving birth to a moron.

Guys doing interviews on tv like this are usually on there describing what the tornado sounded like before it ripped apart their trailer.
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Sue the bus company for dropping him off at a spot without proper sidewalk? OMG.. did the bus driver push him into the middle of the street?

Dumb Ass.
Not very smart in looking for cars when you get off onto the road. :cool:

He could have just waited to get off at a safer place.

Nice looking lawyer though.....I'd like to cross exam that. :biggrin:
That story has been all over the news here as that is my hometown.
I hope he doesn't get a dime. HE is the one that tried to be quick about crossing the street and misjudged the traffic.

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