Dude gets off bus and runs into traffic...

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
gets hit, gets hot lawyer and sues everybody....

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She not that hot. And isn't that J-walking???
She could sue me.:biggrin:
Errrr sound not working on my PC...damn sound card might have gone poof...was it a school bus? Was there flashing lights? If not can we sue him for being a an idiot? No cross walk, and from the quick video, brainiac here wasn't even paying attention to oncoming traffic. He was concerned with traffic on the other side of the street. Sort of like a receiver in football looking at where he is going to run, but not looking at the ball. But they don't sue the quarterback for making them look bad. :cool:
I feel ZERO sympathy and I hope the driver's insurance is helping somehow to cover the costs on the "random crossing -throwing himself on incoming traffic- street guy" treatment but, COME ON MAN, this STUPID person runs over a car, like a total MENTALLY DISABLED individual and then is the OTHERS FAULT??

MY GOD, where's the personal responsibility?? I have been in more than 6 countries and lived in 3 ... and this somewhere else, specially with VIDEO proven that is his FAULT would be considered as a TOTAL act of IRRESPONSIBILITY from the guy that crossed the street like a moron.

Isn't that common sense???
This is the problem with this country, every other part of this world has a rule called "common sense" :)
Why does the bus let people off on the left side?

Isn't the curb on the right side?
Why does the bus let people off on the left side?

Isn't the curb on the right side?

He did get out on the right side, "allegedly" the sidewalk was in construction, and he felt to be "safer" to just throw himself into upcoming traffic opposite to just wait some 30 seconds on a 12 inches sidewalk for better cleaner traffic.

Maybe he had diarrhea and was on a rush ...
If I was the driver I would have sued this guy for running into my car!


I'm surprised they "settled" with this tard...Then the bus driver saves his life by stopping just before crushing his head and they are sueing the bus company???...Only in America you can sue others for your own stupidity...:rolleyes:
^^ +1
He stated, he couldn't belive he "walked away" from this. He didn't walk anywhere after that.
Dumb ass.
you can sue for this and coffee that is too hot. What a country!

Why not sue for just being stupid! (it is obvious that is someone elses fault!) :confused:
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Isn't it strange how the phrase "I thought he was done" or "that dude is done" is part of the vernacular for having ones life come to a sudden, and often dramatic conclusion...

Reminds me of the Darwin Awards...

I work downtown and there are tons of pedestrians walking wherever they want, whenever they want. I think most of them want to get hit so they don't have to walk everywhere anymore.
I know his lawyer. I'm defending another case against her right now. She's representing a guy who got into a verbal altercation and fist fight at Denny's after a late night of drinking - she claims inadequate security. :rolleyes:

She used to do civil defense work and recently switched to the "dark side" (plaintiff's bar).
This is the problem with this country, every other part of this world has a rule called "common sense" :)

100% agree. I wonder if this guy gets nominated for the darwin awards.
wtf!! Ok so this guys an idiot, they were doing construction work so you walked out in to traffice, what kind of f'n logic is that!

My GF's insurance company is getting sued right now for an incident just like this, GF was making a left on a Green left arrow light and woman on a bike road in front of her just as she was making a left, she clipped the woman and the woman fell and broke her ankle and is now sueing for pain and suffering. There were multiple witnesses including police officers that stated it was not my GF's fault. GF was not cited and the report said it was not her fault.

The woman still sued and the insurance company said they will most likely settle in order to avoid a longer settlement term. Of course she finds this out the day they are taking her father to hospice:mad: I was so pissed. My GF actually considered getting a lawyer to fight it, but has too much going on to deal with this. Some people are just lazy, good for nothing people, that just want to milk the system and cannot take responsibility for their own actions. That is one of the biggest problems with the US, taking responsibility for yourself or lack thereof!
That lawyer has absolutely no common sense or ethics. She should be punished severely and I'd like to volunteer to be the punisher :biggrin:

Seriously, what a shit bag excuse for a human being. That man deserved anything that happened to him, he made a choice, he should deal with the consequences. Nobody made him get off the bus at a point where construction was obstructing the sidewalk and nobody made him walk in front of a car. If I were the driver of that car, I would drop my insurance in a heartbeat for settling. That's just absurd. I have go to court to get Progressive to pay on a hit and run, but they're willing to fork over god knows how much in an incident where their insured wasn't even cited?!?!??
What a tard ..... wasnt like you were crossing at the cross walk in a ped zone. If he was killed the story might not have even made the 6 oclock news
This guy should sue Toyota, because obviously the gas pedal is stuck. :biggrin:

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OK, take the city bus (aka Deep Pockets) out of the equation and let's say his Mom dropped him off and he runs across the street without looking left and gets creamed. Who does he sue, his Mom?

I still think the driver should sue him to recover his deductible.
I seriously hope his balls were crushed beyond all recognition so this complete idiot doesn't procreate and spread his retarded seed anywhere.

...and probably the same for the lawyer too. :tongue:
Lawyers should have to put their license on the line for these types of "claims".

You lose one one of these ridiculously frivolous cases? No more ambulance chasing for you.

Talk about softball questions from the reporter.

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