Drug house

15 September 2006
So I had A (drug house ) Across the street from me.The police knew about it and would not bust it till they got the KING PING.I talked to the Det. and he told me how ever long it takes.I went kicked in a door put everthing on the sidewalkand let the police,and the drug dealers sift through it .They are gone now best move I ever made.Im a crazy mo fo
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So you broke down their door, and busted them yourself :eek:. That is pretty crazy, +1 on not getting shot. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do :biggrin:.
So I had A (drug house ) Across the street from me.The police knew about it and would not bust it till they got the KING PING.I talked to the Det. and he told me how ever long it takes.I went kicked in a door put everthing on the sidewalkand let the police,and the drug dealers sift through it .They are gone now best move I ever made.Im a crazy mo fo

I'd be more worried that they come for you and your family later.

You messed up a police operation, I'm surprised they didn't bust you for B&E and obstruction of justice or whatever they could concoct... assuming they figured out it was you.

But nice work, balls of steel.... balls of steel :)
Try that around here and you would be sitting in jail for breaking and entering along with a stack of other charges. Then the drug dealers would sue you and end up with your house. They would sell the house and blow the money on hookers and hotels and everyone but you would be happy.
:confused: judging from your post i think you got to the drugs before the police and the "kingpin":wink:
It's something Stephen Segal would do.

No one was living in the house.It was strictly a grow house.I was tired of the cops not busting it.I did turn myself in to the cops after going in .They were pissed but the owner of the house wouldnt press charges,the cops say they may get me for destruction of evidence.But I didnt destroy it, I left it on the sidewalk.
I had no idea kingpins resided in Idaho. Idaho?

I thought the only type of king would be Mr. Ore-Ida
No one was living in the house.It was strictly a grow house.I was tired of the cops not busting it.I did turn myself in to the cops after going in .They were pissed but the owner of the house wouldnt press charges,the cops say they may get me for destruction of evidence.But I didnt destroy it, I left it on the sidewalk.

Just dumb on so many levels.
I had this guy rent a house from me in Ithaca NY. Turned out to be one of the biggest drug busts in the upstate area for a long time.

They had filled the house with top soil, installed a ventilation system, a generator and massive amounts of grow lamps. The idiots stole the lights from a local shopping mall parking lot. They left some of the lamp parts laying beside the garage and a police officer spotted them. These guys had thousands of pounds of weed growing in the house.

When all was said and done I had to clean the friggen mess up. I actually sold the top soil to someone and the police left the lamps so those were turned in for scrap. The paperwork I had to fill out to get rid of the leaves and stalks was immense.
No one was living in the house.It was strictly a grow house.I was tired of the cops not busting it.I did turn myself in to the cops after going in .They were pissed but the owner of the house wouldnt press charges,the cops say they may get me for destruction of evidence.But I didnt destroy it, I left it on the sidewalk.

Hey if I fly you out here you want to do a little ditty for me?:biggrin:
I know someone who knew someone who lived next to a crack house (place where a lot of drug dealers, and crackheads will reside). He was tired of having it there and no one doing anything even the police, so one day he snuck in there and lit the building on fire. I give it up to him... takes a lot of courage to set a place on fire even with the risk of getting killed if caught and getting charged with arson...

For those who complain about how now the "King Pin" is going to be free to sell where ever he wants... get real.... there will always be someone higher up or someone else spreading their drugs out in that territory and most likely that person is already known just not located. Also that is a form of social injustice, everyone in that area next to the drug house has the right to want it out of their community.

Let me guess you wouldn't mind have a drug house, next to your house if it helped with getting the "king pin"... So in a way that means you are saying, yeah your cool with maybe a shooting happening next door that might hit you or your family. Oh your cool with shady people coming to your neighborhood.... yep totally cool with risking your life and that of your neighbors just to catch one guy...
This story is perfect timing. A few weeks ago everyone on my street got a letter in the mail on the same day. It was from a guy who had just moved into the house directly across the street from me. I've never met him, he lives by himself and he has NV plates. That's all I know about the guy.

The letter was typed out and took up an entire page. He explains that a few nights prior he gets a loud knock on his door at midnight. He wakes up and answers it surprised to find several officers at his door with a search warrant. They explained that if he had not answered the door, they would have used force.

Apparantly one of the neighbors had been snooping into his window well and saw various plants growing under lights and took it upon themselves to call the police. The letter went on to explain how he gladly showed the officers around his house to find nothing illegal. He explained how he is part of a volunteer orginization that helps grow rare and endangered cactus plants.

He sounded pretty calm in the letter, but towards the bottom he was pretty pissed that someone did this to him without ever asking him about it and that he's never even met anyone in the neighborhood or done anything to harm anyone. I'm sure somone felt pretty stupid when they read their letter.
This story is perfect timing. A few weeks ago everyone on my street got a letter in the mail on the same day. It was from a guy who had just moved into the house directly across the street from me. I've never met him, he lives by himself and he has NV plates. That's all I know about the guy.

The letter was typed out and took up an entire page. He explains that a few nights prior he gets a loud knock on his door at midnight. He wakes up and answers it surprised to find several officers at his door with a search warrant. They explained that if he had not answered the door, they would have used force.

Apparantly one of the neighbors had been snooping into his window well and saw various plants growing under lights and took it upon themselves to call the police. The letter went on to explain how he gladly showed the officers around his house to find nothing illegal. He explained how he is part of a volunteer orginization that helps grow rare and endangered cactus plants.

He sounded pretty calm in the letter, but towards the bottom he was pretty pissed that someone did this to him without ever asking him about it and that he's never even met anyone in the neighborhood or done anything to harm anyone. I'm sure somone felt pretty stupid when they read their letter.

Hay! What did I know? I just thought I was helping you and the other folks in the neighborhood! I saw those lights and all of those plants. I thought I was doing something good for the neighborhood.

P.S. Please keep your dog off my lawn.
This story is perfect timing. A few weeks ago everyone on my street got a letter in the mail on the same day. It was from a guy who had just moved into the house directly across the street from me. I've never met him, he lives by himself and he has NV plates. That's all I know about the guy.

The letter was typed out and took up an entire page. He explains that a few nights prior he gets a loud knock on his door at midnight. He wakes up and answers it surprised to find several officers at his door with a search warrant. They explained that if he had not answered the door, they would have used force.

Apparantly one of the neighbors had been snooping into his window well and saw various plants growing under lights and took it upon themselves to call the police. The letter went on to explain how he gladly showed the officers around his house to find nothing illegal. He explained how he is part of a volunteer orginization that helps grow rare and endangered cactus plants.

He sounded pretty calm in the letter, but towards the bottom he was pretty pissed that someone did this to him without ever asking him about it and that he's never even met anyone in the neighborhood or done anything to harm anyone. I'm sure somone felt pretty stupid when they read their letter.

Man I wish it were that easy here to get the police to check into tips. I turn tenants in all the time who are up to no good and the police do nothing.
One guy has no job but has a new Escalade, DTS and a CLS550. People in and out of the house all day and night. What is going on there? Called the police they say they can't do anything but that the guy is on their watch list.

Isn't peyote made from cactus?:smile:
This story is perfect timing. A few weeks ago everyone on my street got a letter in the mail on the same day. It was from a guy who had just moved into the house directly across the street from me. I've never met him, he lives by himself and he has NV plates. That's all I know about the guy.

The letter was typed out and took up an entire page. He explains that a few nights prior he gets a loud knock on his door at midnight. He wakes up and answers it surprised to find several officers at his door with a search warrant. They explained that if he had not answered the door, they would have used force.

Apparantly one of the neighbors had been snooping into his window well and saw various plants growing under lights and took it upon themselves to call the police. The letter went on to explain how he gladly showed the officers around his house to find nothing illegal. He explained how he is part of a volunteer orginization that helps grow rare and endangered cactus plants.

He sounded pretty calm in the letter, but towards the bottom he was pretty pissed that someone did this to him without ever asking him about it and that he's never even met anyone in the neighborhood or done anything to harm anyone. I'm sure somone felt pretty stupid when they read their letter.

Ever seen that movie Disturbia?

I don't ever want to snoop on any of my neighbors
I would just have let things be.I watch police shows all the time on TruTv and a lot of the times civilians trying to be a "heros" dont end up in good situations...or alive for that matter.